The 4J Data Warehouse
Recommend Using Firefox on Macs
username and password IMPORTANT!
The Navigation Tree Click the Label to go to open Click the + to “expand” the tree
1 2 Filtering - Teacher Accounts 1 1.Select desired class. 2.Click Go.
Filtering - Administrator Accounts 1 2
Individual Student Report - Examples of Uses SST meeting IEP meeting Planning for a struggling student Parent conference Transitions TAG screening
Individual Student Reports A graphic displays while the report is loading
Individual Student Report Analysis What does it all mean? The colors. The different tests. The scores.
Colors First:
Drilling into Reading Kit Data Explanations of Tests - Roll the cursor over the scores to see an explanation. Tests taken in the last two years are shown. No column is displayed for a test not taken.
Percent vs. Percentile
Crystal Report Navigation - 3 Methods Type the desired page number and press Return or Enter Type part of the student’s name and click on the binoculars
Crystal Report Printing 1.Click the printer icon. 2.Define the pages to print. Click OK 3.Print the PDF that appears (File/Print) 1 2
If the report does not display, try turning off popup-blocking on your browser. In Firefox this is how: 1. Select “Preferences” on the “Firefox” menu. 2. Uncheck “Block pop-up windows” under “Content”.
Group Report Teachers have asked for a way to get a quick overview of the test scores of their classes. They’ve also asked that they be able to sort and filter the data. This report is now available. Clicking on the link will give the report for the filtered group.
Group Report
Alphabetical by name. Navigation and printing is the same as with ISRs. Sorting: Before clicking the Group Report link, select the category by which to sort from the Group Report Sorting pull- down menu.
The 4J Data Warehouse
Dashboard Reading Assessment Metric The reading and math assessment metrics show the numbers of students in the filtered group that fit into percentile groups. Data is from the Fall testing period. Of what use is this data?
Dashboard - Rollover Data You can find out the numbers represented by rolling over the bars. In this case, 86%+ of the 504 students in the filtered group met or exceeded the reading and literature standard in
Dashboard - Attendance ODE sets the mark for attendance at 95%. This meter keeps track of the attendance of the filtered group from the first day of school through yesterday.
Dashboard OSA Passing Rate Metric Two Examples
Dashboard Tools To “drill down”, click on the bars, between the bars or on the scale of the desired metric. Each metric has these tools - student detail, zoom on the metric, print the metric (with a data table), get information. Be sure to click the logoff icon when you are finished with the data warehouse. To close or open the navigation bar, click this icon.
OSA Passing Rates - Drill Down Example Run cursor over the bars for the numbers. Other metrics on this report include: ethnicity, gender, SPED and ELL. Each metric is displayed both for the filtered group and for the district as a whole.
Dashboard - Blank Metrics If the students in the filtered group did not take a test in the latest testing period, the metric will be blank. To “ drill down ” into metrics with no data, click on the scale.
Dashboard - Participation Rates
Example of Student Detail - OSAT Participation To find out who in the filtered group has and has not taken tests: 1.Click on the Student Detail Tool. 2.To sort or filter the data you’ll copy it to paste into a spreadsheet. (Data pasted from Safari will not format properly - log- out and log back in using Firefox.
Student Detail - OSAT Participation In an Excel Spreadsheet
Exploring the Data Warehouse Filter for a group of interest to you. Look at that group’s Individual Student and Group Reports. Navigate to a student on ISR using arrows & search. What questions do you have about your students’ test scores? Mess around in the warehouse to try to generate the reports that will answer those questions. Drill down in the various metrics to see what kinds of data you find. Look at Student Detail screens for the various metrics. Paste one into Excel for sorting. Team planning around individual or group. Share process.