Many people spend vacations on me!
Bring lots of sunscreen!
Don’t let a Texas crab catch your toe!
I’m covered with sand dunes.
I have names like Galveston and Padre.
I protect the mainland from ocean waves.
I am a barrier island!
Creatures live in me, but they don’t need eyes.
I can rise and fall, depending on the rainfall.
I provide water for farms and cities.
Edwards and Ogallala are examples of me.
I am an underground water reservoir.
I am an aquifer.
I can be cold or warm.
East Texas gets about 59 inches of me each year.
West Texas averages only 9 inches of me each year.
I can be both helpful and destructive.
I arrive in the form of rain, snow, or sleet.
I am precipitation.
I am weak.
I can be found all over Texas.
I cause Texas to have different elevations.
I am a natural part of the earth’s crust.
I am a fault.
Who Am I ? I can be high or low.
Who Am I ? I can be found all over Texas.
Who Am I ? I may be gently rolling or even have low hills.
Who Am I ? “High”, “North Central”, and “Coastal” are examples of me.
Who Am I ? I am a generally level landform.
Who Am I ? I am a plain.
My nickname is the “hill country.”
I am very rocky, so it is hard to grow crops on me.
I am compared to a table.
Examples of me are “Stockton” and “Edwards.”
I am a level landform, but at a higher altitude than my surroundings.
I am a plateau.
I am rocky and rugged.
Farmers avoid me.
I can support a few sheep or cattle.
I consist of short grasses, small shrubs, or cactii.
I am a savanna!
I am millions of years old.
Rivers and streams have cut gashes in me.
I was created by an earthquake.
If you fall off me, it is my fault.
Balcones and Caprock are examples of me.
I am a steep cliff.
I am an escarpment.
Who Am I ? I occur every 10 years.
Who Am I ? I am required by the U.S. constitution.
Who Am I ? I determine the number of representatives from each state.
Who Am I ? The last time I was used in Texas, I reached almost 21 million.
Who Am I ? My job is to count the population of each state.
Who Am I ? I am a census.
The national heritage to which a person belongs is called A. gender. B. race C. ethnicity. D. generation.
Texas rivers are called _______ ______ _________ because they carry water from places that need it (west), to places that get lots of rain (east). wrong way rivers
What, at 2000 miles, is the longest river in Texas?
Texas makes up ___% of the total area of the United States. Texas makes up ___% of the total population of the United States. 7 7
________________ and ________________ are the two most important mineral resources of Texas. oil natural gas
The only state larger than Texas is __________. The only state more populous than Texas is _______________. Alaska California
Texas has ____ mountains more than one mile high. 91
As one travels across Texas from east to west, the elevation (altitude) A. stays the same. B. decreases (gets lower). C. increases (gets higher). D. increases then decreases.
There is only one natural lake in Texas that was not created by damming a river. That natural lake is called _________ _______. Caddo Lake
Which 5 of the following are uses for Texas lake water? 1. shipping 2. flood control 3. water conservation 4. waste disposal 5. manufacturing 6. irrigation 7. water for cities and towns 8. off-shore drilling
When warm air from the gulf mixes with cold air from the north, the result is ______________________. violent storms
The source of most of the rain that falls in Texas is the _________________, therefore, East/West Texas gets the most rain. Gulf of Mexico
According to the census of 2000, the population of Texas is about __ million people. A. 15 B. 21 C. 32 D. 43
The highest point in Texas is A. Stockton Plateau B. Davis Mountain C. Guadalupe Peak D. Caprock Escarpment
Texas mountains are part of what large chain of mountains that extends through the U.S?
What are three vegetative regions in Texas?
Texas lies half way between the north pole and the equator. This area is known as the ____.
What are three factors that most affect the climate of Texas?
Writes the laws Executive Branch Judicial Branch Legislative Branch
Determines whether or not laws are fair and constitutional Executive Branch Judicial Branch Legislative Branch
carries out the laws Executive Branch Judicial Branch Legislative Branch
Has the governor and his cabinet Executive Branch Judicial Branch Legislative Branch
Has the Senate and House of Representatives Executive Branch Judicial Branch Legislative Branch