5 Paragraph Essay
Introduction Body Paragraph #1 Body Paragraph #2 Body Paragraph #3 Conclusion
5 Paragraph Essay 5 paragraph essay is a formulaic way of writing that can help beginning writers better organize their thoughts. As students move up through higher grades, this format can be used as the framework for more diverse writing.
Introduction Paragraph Hook Topic Sentence (thesis statement) Supporting Sentence #1 Supporting Sentence #2 Supporting Sentence #3 Conclusion Sentence
Body Paragraph #1 Topic Sentence Supporting Sentence #1 Supporting Sentence #2 Supporting Sentence #3 Conclusion Sentence
Body Paragraph #2 Topic Sentence Supporting Sentence #1 Supporting Sentence #2 Supporting Sentence #3 Conclusion Sentence
Body Paragraph #3 Topic Sentence Supporting Sentence #1 Supporting Sentence #2 Supporting Sentence #3 Conclusion Sentence
Conclusion Paragraph Topic Sentence Supporting Sentence #1 Supporting Sentence #2 Supporting Sentence #3 Conclusion Sentence
Sample Introduction Paragraph (Hook)Statistics have shown that more Americans are overweight now than at any other time in our history. I believe it’s important for everyone to get some form of exercise every day. Exercise helps you control your weight. It can also help you stay mentally alert. In addition, it keeps you fit. These are just a few reasons why I think daily exercise is important for everyone.
Sample Body Paragraph #1 Exercise helps you control your weight. It burns up calories that are being stored as fat. It helps you eliminate excess calories before they can be stored as fat. Additionally, because exercise helps suppress your appetite, it helps you control the amount of food you eat. These are a few ways that exercise helps you control your weight.
Sample Body Paragraph #2 Exercise keeps you mentally alert. When you exercise, you breathe more. With each breath you take, you are taking in more oxygen. Oxygen is necessary for our brains to function and for us to feel awake. In this way, exercise helps keep you mentally alert.
Sample Body Paragraph #3 Exercise keeps you fit. Aerobic exercise works your heart and keeps it working efficiently. Strength training keeps your muscles in shape and your bones strong. Activities like yoga and tai chi keep you limber. Combining different types of exercise can help keep you fit.
Sample Conclusion Paragraph In conclusion, it’s important to get some form of exercise every day. Exercise helps control your weight. Exercise can also keep you mentally alert. Finally, it helps you stay fit. In order to fight the rising trend of obesity, it’s vital that every American get some form of exercise every day.