Challenges in data collection and dissemination of migration and ethnic cultural characteristics in Montenegro Census 2011 Snezana Remikovic Statistical office of Montenegro
-It is situated in the south of Balkan Peninsula -southern European and Mediterranean country -620 thousand inhabitants -on 13 thousand km² -Since independent country -before 2006 it was in state union with Serbia and before one of the six Republics within Yugoslavia.
Census 2011 in Montenegro Census first Census that Montenegro Statistical office organized, conducted and disseminated from the first to final phase. Census covered core topic UN recommended variables and some non-core topic variables requested by national lows.
Census 2011 in Montenegro Traditional method –”Door to door” Enumerators collected data Manual data entry
Census 2011 in Montenegro “Migration characteristics “as core topic was include in Montenegro census Ethnic variables are obliged through the Low of national minority
Challenges related to migration characteristics
Problem with understanding of question Treatment of student of third category related to migration –( traditional approach for reporting that students of third category are a member of household ) Treatment of people who was in army
Challenges related to Ethnic-cultural characteristics - Ethnic affiliation Enumerators must input everything the respondent reports Problem with creation of classification -How many cases? -How to treat some “non ethnic” words with enough cases? – (Džedaj) -How to classify double ethnic affiliations
Challenges related to Ethnic-cultural characteristics - Ethnic affiliation Treatment of some ethnicity from other ethnicity ( Montenegrin, Bosniaks, Muslim) Historical approach of ethnicity
/3 Ethnicity (Narodnost): Every person noted which ethnicity is: examples Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, Macedonians, Montenegrins, Hungarians, Albanians, the Rumanian etc. Muslims will put the Serb- Muslim, Croat- Muslim, defined- Muslim. Ethnicity(Narodnos t) (Any person noted which ethnicity is. For example, Serb, Croat, Slovene, Macedonian, Montenegrin, Hungarian, Shiptar, German, Italian, Czech, Slovak, Turkish, Gypsy itd. Person with Yugoslav origin which do not have ethnicity, could declared as: Yugoslav- undeclared. For other who are not declared entered: undeclared. For children up to 10 parents will declared.) Ethnicity(Narod nost): (Each person entered ethnicity, for example, Serb, Croat, Slovene, Macedonian, Montenegrin, Muslim (in the sense of ethnicity) Shiptar, a Hungarian, a German, Italian, Czech, Slovak, Turkish, Gypsy, etc. Ethnicity(Narod nost ili etnička pripadnost): Enter the nationality or ethnicity, according to the statement of the interviewed person. For children younger than 15 years of a statement given by the parents. According to Article 41 Constitution of the SFRY person could enterd do not declared.) Ethnicity(Nacio nalnost) (Belonging to a nation, nationality or ethnic group): (under Article 170 of the Constitution of the SFRY person could enterd do not declared.) Ethnicity(Na cionalnost) (nationality or ethnic group) (under Article 170 of the Constitution of the SFRY person could enterd do not declared.) EthnicityEth nicity (Nacionalnos t) (nationality or ethnic group) (under Article 34. of the Constitution of the Montenegro person could enterd do not declared.)
Challenges related to Ethnic-cultural characteristics Sentence “person is not obliged to declare about following questions.” “Does not want to declare”- NO “empty lines“ On the question on ethnicity 4.9% of inhabitants gave as an answer “do not want to declare” and this was also given by 4% for mother tongue and 2.6% for religion
Religion same problems when it comes to classification “Islam and/or Muslim” - Are these two categories the same? Who should make the decision that they are the same? The Statistical Office? Religions institutions? the connection between religion with ethnicity –Muslim – Religion or ethnicity?
Mother tongue one of the most sensitive questions in Montenegro double declaration for mother tongue
Other language
Montenegrin, Serbian, Bosnian or Croatian languages Final results from the Census showed that only 0.2% declared knowledge of a foreign language as some of above mention”
Questions of Ethnic-cultural characteristics
Dissemination phase -disclosure control Disclosure control applied and protected all cells with frequency under six for ethnic- cultural variables at the settlement level Due to primary and secondary confidentiality we protected about: - 8% of the cells in tables for ethnicity at the settlement level - 9% for mother tongue and - 11% for religion
Dissemination phase According to request of political parties Statistical office of Montenegro published data by ethnic-cultural variables less then two months after filed work finished.
Thak you….