ISO 9001 Certified MTI Training Course - Passive Component Design - Coupler/Power divider Prepare by: Peter Huang Date: 07/21/2005
ISO 9001 Certified MTI Contents Directional Coupler Measuring Coupler Directivity Lenge Coupler Lenge Coupler example The Wilkinson Power Divider The Quadrature (90º) Hybrid Homework exercise 2
ISO 9001 Certified MTI Directional Coupler(1) InputThrough IsolatedCoupled 221
ISO 9001 Certified MTI Directional Coupler(2) Directional Coupler Design Step: Step 1: According to “Coupling Factor” to decide “Even mode Impedance” and “Odd mode Impedance” Coupling factor decide by designer Even mode ImpedanceOdd mode Impedance
ISO 9001 Certified MTI Directional Coupler(3) Step 2: According to “Even mode Impedance” and “Odd mode Impedance” to calculate the Wide and Gap width of Coupling line
ISO 9001 Certified MTI Directional Coupler(4) Step 3: To design the Length of parallel line Odd mode WavelengthEven mode Wavelength the Length of parallel line Step 4: According to w, s, and l to simulation the directional coupler by Microwave Office2000
ISO 9001 Certified MTI Measuring Coupler Directivity Load PcPc C V i,P i Directivity : D Sliding Load P max, P min C/D V i,P i C
ISO 9001 Certified MTI Lenge Coupler
ISO 9001 Certified MTI Lenge Coupler-example
ISO 9001 Certified MTI Lenge Coupler Simulation
ISO 9001 Certified MTI The Wilkinson Power Divider 100 ohm
ISO 9001 Certified MTI The Quadrature (90º) Hybrid 1 2 3
ISO 9001 Certified MTI Homework exercise 2 Design Directional Coupler Design Regarding to your sustaining product to design one directional coupler By paper or power point Or Design Divider/ Quadrature (90º) Hybrid Regarding to your sustaining product to design one divider or 90 hybrid By paper or power point
ISO 9001 Certified MTI References David M. Pozar, “Microwave Engineering” s/magnetic/dcoupler/dcoupler.htm s/magnetic/dcoupler/dcoupler.htm RF, RFIC & Microwave Theory, Design