Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Monitor the methods and standards used during the software development and verify their correct usage. What is Quality? - some definitions are: Client satisfaction No-Defects Fulfillment of all requirements
Objectives of the SQA Improve software quality through monitoring the process and the product. Make sure the standards and procedures are followed correctly and completely. Make sure that when procedures and standards are not being followed, that this is known to Project Management, and corrections are made.
SQA Plan 1. Purpose 2. Reference Documents 3. Administration 4. Documentation 5. Standards, Procedures and conventions 6. Revisions y Audits 7. Software Configuration Management 8. Report of problems and corrective actions taken 9. Tools, techniques and methods 10. Code control 11. Control of Media 12. Control of providers 13. Collection of records, maintenance and y retention
Quality Models CMM ISO-9000 SPICE
All models Agree on: Improvement has to be based on adjustments to the process and not on blaming people. Improvement has to be measured and its implementation constantly checked. Improvement requires constant investment, rewards and incentives. Improvement is a contínuous process. If the level insatisfaction is not high enough, then things will not change.
Capability Maturity Model (CMM) 1.Initial 2.Repeatable 3.Defined 4.Managed 5.Optimizing Disciplined process Standard and consistent process Predictable process Continuously improving process Not repeatable process
Key-aspects to improve the software Process Level 2: Requirement Administration Project Planning Plan follow-up Quality Control Configuration Management Level 3:Emphasis on organization processes Definition of processes Training Program Integral Administration Coordination between Groups Peer Revisions Level 4:Analysis and measurement of processes Quality Administration Level 5:Defect Prevention Technological Innovation Administration of process changes
ISO-9000 ISO : International Organization for Standartization Is a series of generic norms for the construction, operation and documentation of systems fro the administration of quality The 9000 series was elaborated in 1977 and first published in It contains 5 sets of norms: –ISO 9000 –ISO 9001 –ISO 9002 –ISO 9003 –ISO 9004
The ISO-9000 Norms ISO 9000 ISO 9001 ISO 9002 ISO 9003 ISO 9004 Model to assure quality of production and deployment Model to assure the quality of project development, production, installation and technical assistance Guidelines for the selection and use of the ISO-9000 Norm series. Model to guarantee quality in the inspection and final tests Guidelines for the quality administration
Quality System “It‘s the structure, the responsibilities, the procedures, the processes and the organization resources required to practice the administration of quality to comply with the objectives established in the Quality Policy.”(ISO 8402) “It‘s a mechanism that coordinates and controls the activities necessary to obtain the required quality in a product or service. It includes every element of an organization that is involved directly or indirectly with the development of the product or service”. (TickIT)
SPICE S oftware P rocess I mprovement & C apability d E termination It is an ISO project to develop an international standard for the Evaluation of the Software Process. Starts in counties participate.
SPICE Model Process Evaluation Determination of Capabilities Identifies the appropriate of Leads to Identifies changes to Leads to Is subject to Can originate Improvement of the Process