Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)


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Presentation transcript:

Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) Promoting the Social, Emotional, and Academic Learning of Millions of Young People Roger P. Weissberg Novo Foundation Endowed Chair in Social and Emotional Learning University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) President and CEO Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) Social and Emotional Learning Research Group Department of Psychology

A Coordinated District-wide Model for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning Systematic classroom-based SEL instruction and a supportive school climate Coordinated mental health and health services School-family-community partnerships After-school and community activities

Collaborators Care about Context, Connections, and Competence Readings Who is in the room? Agenda and Goals 3

Readings SEL Alliance for Massachusetts Guidelines on Implementing SEL Curricula (MA Dept of Elementary and Secondary Education) Creating Safe, Healthy, and Supportive Learning Environments to Increase the Success of All Students (MA Behavioral Health and Public Schools Task Force) 4

Who Is in the Room? John D’Auria, Teachers 21 Larry Dieringer, Educators for Social Responsibility David Zussman & Debbie Peck, Boston Development Group Nova Biro & Nancy McKay, Open Circle Nicholas Covino, MA School of Professional Psychology Roxann Kriete, Responsive Classroom Joan Duffell, Committee for Children Mitch Lyons,, Inc. And Others 5

Agenda and Goals: Promoting SEL in K-12 Education Educators Panel: From Theory to Action DESE Initiatives, Frameworks, and Guidance Putting Good Ideas to Work Bringing SEL to Children’s Lives Curriculum, School Programs, and Student Activities Staff Activities, Support, and Professional Development School- and District-level Organization and Leadership Data Collection to Assess Progress and Outcomes Public Policy and Advocacy Next Steps 6

Children Must Be a National Priority No higher cause can trump that obligation – not a church, and certainly not a football program. And not even a lifetime of heroism can make up for leaving a single child alone, abandoned to evil, weeping in the dark. - Ross Douthat (2011)

The more SEL promotes these capacities, the better off the world will be! Manhood that is rooted in a sense of humanity, in peace, in love, in nonviolence, in honesty and transparency, in constant self-criticism and self-reflection, and in respect and honor of women and girls, again, as our equals. - Kevin Powell (2011)

Some [people] see things as they are and ask why. I dream things that never were and say why not. —Robert Kennedy 9

Objectives of Today’s Presentation Professional focus Pose key questions and core beliefs Overview research, practice, and policy advances in social and emotional learning (SEL) Summarize CASEL’s National SEL Initiative Discuss future priorities to advance SEL in Massachusetts 10

Professional Focus—Since 1976 How can schools, families, and communities partner to promote positive outcomes in children and youth? 11

Actionable, Feasible, Research-based Family, School, and Community Approaches Support and strengthen family functioning Sustained relationships with caring adults Provide high-quality education Connecting students and their schools Make communities safe and supportive for children High quality out-of-school-time programs Provide children and youth with opportunities to build social and emotional competence 12

Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) CASEL was founded in 1994 to make SEL an essential part of every child’s education. Advance the science of SEL Expand effective SEL practice Improve federal and state policies CASEL serves as strategist, collaborator, convener, and supporter for the SEL community 13

Key Questions and Core Beliefs Are people with better social and emotional skills more likely to succeed in school and life? Can social and emotional skills be taught? Will children be better prepared for college and life if we teach social, emotional, and academic skills? How can we ensure that teachers teach social and emotional skills effectively? Can research inform educational practice and policy? Can a group of SEL collaborators improve the education of pre-K to 12 students across the US? 14

Essential Questions Each Community Must Answer What do we want our children to be, to know, and to be able to do when they graduate? How can the entire community be organized to ensure that all students reach the stated goals?

Risky Youth Behaviors and Attitudes: Prevalence for High School Students Physical fight 1 or more times (12 mos.): 31% Carried a weapon (30 days): 17% Bullied at school (past 6 months): 28% 5 or more drinks in a couple of hours (30 days): 24% Seriously considered attempting suicide: 14% Sexual intercourse with > 3 people: 14% Chronically disengaged from school: 40-60%

Social and Emotional Skills and Attitudes: Prevalence for 6th to 12th graders How people you know well would rate you on: Thinking through the results of your 29% choices, planning ahead Caring about others’ feelings, feeling sad 45% when a friend is unhappy, being good at making and keeping friends Respecting the values/beliefs of people of 43% different races/cultures My school provides a caring, encouraging 29% environment

1997: CASEL Defines the Field of SEL 18

What is Social and Emotional Learning? Social and emotional learning (SEL) is a process through which children and adults learn to recognize and manage emotions, demonstrate care and concern for others, develop positive relationships, make good decisions, and behave ethically, respectfully, and responsibly. Let’s look at the definition that CASEL uses for social and emotional learning . Many of you are familiar with this. We will take it in sections. [Prepare to click the graphics into place.] “SEL is lifelong process whereby students and adults…..” Why are both adults and students included in this definition? [Gather 1 – 2 responses.] Think about your experience of arriving here this morning. What knowledge and skills did you use just to show up here and be ready to engage in this workshop? [Gather 1 – 2 responses.] Thank you. As we know, SEL is as much for adults as for students. “acquire knowledge, skills, and dispositions related to five core competencies of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making. “ Let’s look at some examples of the types of knowledge, skills, and dispositions that are related to five core competencies. These five core competencies are inter-related; our emotional responses, thinking, and actions are intricately connected; brain research confirms that strong emotions can override our higher-order thinking. Our emotional state also influences our ability to attend to, concentrate, and remember what we learn. SEL helps us develop our ability to recognize and manage our emotions so that we can think clearly, choose wisely, and act deliberately. It also helps us become interpersonally effective, by learning to build healthy and productive relationships and to be responsible decision-makers. Finally, research confirms that these skills can be taught (it’s more than a way of being smart), and outcomes for students improve when they develop SEL competence. In fact, many of the most effective prevention and intervention efforts teach SEL skills. We’ll be looking at the research later in this session. And later in the workshop we’ll explore the ways in which many of our prevention and intervention efforts support student SEL.

SEL Is a Process of Acquiring Knowledge, Attitudes, and Skills Related to Five Core Competencies Recognize one’s emotions, values, strengths, and limitations Manage emotions and behaviors to achieve one’s goals Self-awareness Make ethical, constructive choices about personal and social behavior Responsible decision making Self-management SEL Social awareness Relationship skills Show understanding and empathy for others Form positive relationships, work in teams, deal effectively with conflict

A Caring, Connected, Responsible, Contributing Problem Solver STOP, CALM DOWN, & THINK before you act Say the PROBLEM and how you FEEL Set a POSITIVE GOAL THINK of lots of SOLUTIONS THINK ahead to the CONSEQUENCES GO ahead and TRY the BEST PLAN STOP THINK GO

Learning Environment Safe & well-managed Respectful & supportive High expectations & challenging Participation & leadership Behavioral standards & prosocial norms

Promoting Students’ Autonomy, Belonging, and Competence Less Teacher lecture Teacher intervention External rewards Inflexible discipline Independent seatwork Parent-school isolation More Student input Student problem solving Self-assessment Natural consequences Cooperative learning Sense of partnership

SEL Conceptual Framework Academically Successful Coordinated School, Family, and Community Programming Social and Emotional Learning Healthy Engaged Citizens Good Social Relationships 24

What are the Latest Research Advances?

Does SEL programming positively affect students? Social-emotional skills Attitudes Positive social behavior Conduct problems Emotional distress Academic performance Outcomes Percentile Imp & (ES) 22 (.57) 9 (.23) 9 (.24) 9 (.22) 10 (.24) 11 (.27) —Durlak et al. (2011)

Longitudinal Findings from the Seattle Social Development Project at Age 21 More high school graduates More attending college More employed Better emotional and mental health Fewer with a criminal record Less drug selling Cost-benefit: $3.14/student for $1 invested —Hawkins et al. (2008) 27

Are SEL programs conducted by existing school staff effective? Teacher Researcher Social-emotional skill Attitudes Positive social behavior Conduct problems Emotional distress Academic performance —Durlak et al. (2011)

Does the quality of implementation affect student outcomes? Implementation Problems? No Yes Social-emotional skills Attitudes Positive social behavior Conduct problems Emotional distress Academic performance —Durlak et al. (2011)

How do we develop students’ social and emotional skills? Sequenced, Active, Focused, Explicit (SAFE) Adults and students model SEL skills and discuss relevant situations Developmentally/culturally competent instruction and community-building activities Opportunities for students to contribute to their class, school, and community 30

Effects of SEL Participation on Teachers: Self-reported Survey Responses

Principals’ Responses The training I received from CASEL has taught me to recognize the relationship between my feelings and my job performance as a school leader. I am definitely more in touch with my values as an educator as a result of working with SEL at my school. I realize that it is not just about academics; rather we are responsible for nurturing the entire child and SEL assists us in doing that.

Effectiveness of SEL Worldwide Failure or refusal to adopt and appropriately support the implementation of SEL/SFL programmes is equal to depriving children and youngsters of crucial and scientifically substantiated opportunities for their personal, social and academic development. This would be a flagrant violation of the United Nations Convention of Children’s Rights. —Diekstra, p. 261 (2008)

Implications for Practice & Policy SEL works Multiple positive outcomes including academic achievement Across grade levels and contexts SEL is doable Good results from programs run by existing school staff SEL needs support Implementation matters Supported by federal and state policies, leadership, and professional development

CASEL’s National Initiative for Social and Emotional Learning

The National Initiative for Social and Emotional Learning Support systemic SEL in collaborating districts. Conduct research on district-wide SEL and develop tools to accelerate high-quality implementation nationwide. 3. Partner with SEL program providers, colleges of education, and professional organizations to scale SEL. Promote state standards, guidelines, and policies . Promote federal policies that encourage SEL. 6. Strategically communicate to foster widespread demand for SEL as an essential part of education.

Safe and Sound: An Educator’s Guide to Evidence-based SEL Programs 37

© CASEL 2008 38 38

What Does Schoolwide SEL Look Like? Parent/teacher conferences Playground Hallways Front Office Teacher’s Lounge Bus SEL School Lunchroom Student Support Classrooms Afterschool/ Extracurriculars Bathrooms

Sustainable Schoolwide SEL: Implementation Guide and Toolkit Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning Elizabeth Devaney Mary Utne O’Brien Hank Resnik Susan Keister Roger P. Weissberg Readiness phase Planning phase Implementation phase Sustainability factors IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE AND TOOLKIT

Strategies for District-wide SEL Assess SEL-related needs and resources Develop SEL vision and long-term plans Communicate with stakeholders Align budgets and staffing Implement professional development Develop SEL learning standards and assessments Adopt evidence-based programs Integrate SEL with family and community initiatives Monitor process and outcomes Participate in learning community with other districts

A Coordinated District-wide Model for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning Systematic classroom-based SEL instruction and a supportive school climate Coordinated mental health and health services School-family-community partnerships After-school and community activities

Collaborating Districts Initiative Anchorage, Alaska Austin, Texas Cleveland, Ohio Chicago, Illinois 4 additional top-200 size districts

Conduct District-wide SEL Evaluation with the American Institutes for Research SEL implementation process Coordinated school-wide and classroom practices School climate SEL competencies Student behaviors Academic performance

Preschool Standards for Social and Emotional Learning

Pennsylvania Preschool Standards for Social and Emotional Learning Social and Emotional Development: Learning About Myself and Others Self-concept (Identity) Self-regulation Pro-social relationships with adults Pro-social relationships with peers

Illinois K-12 Social and Emotional Learning Goals Self Other Decision-making Develop self-awareness and self-management skills to achieve school and life success. Use social-awareness and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive relationships. Demonstrate decision-making skills and responsible behaviors in personal, school, and community contexts.

Federal Policy HR 2437 - Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning Act Reauthorize ESEA (No Child Left Behind) to incorporate SEL as part of teacher and administrator education Work with federal agencies (e.g., the US Department of Education) on ways to incorporate evidence-based SEL in their initiatives 48

Why Implement SEL in Schools? Relationships provide a foundation for learning Emotions affect how and what we learn Relevant skills can be taught Positive effects on academic performance, health, relationships, and citizenship Demanded by employers Essential for lifelong success A coordinating framework for prevention and youth-development programs

A Systematic Approach to Develop and Assess SEL Standards: Clear statements about what students should know and be able to do Curriculum and instruction: Evidence-based classroom and school-wide programs and practices Professional development: For district and school administrators, teachers, and support staff Assessments: Including an indicator system to link SEL standards to outcomes

Future Priorities to Improve the SEL of Millions of School Children Collaboration with 8 large districts and other socio-demographically diverse districts Evaluating the CDI and creating tools for scaling up with districts and schools across the US Advancing state and federal policies Communications to create a new vision of education that works for 21st century children 51

Take-Home Messages We can not always build the future for our youth, but we can build the youth for our future. —Franklin D. Roosevelt Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world. —Nelson Mandela 52

A Vision for Education in Massachusetts, the United States, and the World Educators, students, families, community members, and researchers work together to support the healthy development of all students. All students are engaged learners who are self- aware, self-disciplined, caring, respectful, connected to others, responsible decision makers, and academic achievers. Students are contributing in positive ways to their school, family, and community. 53