Vocabulary Instruction Research By: Sonya Elliott and Eli Waters
Background Information: Students struggle with varying aspects of reading comprehension Vocabulary comprehension was not mastered in lower grades, therefore students came into our classrooms without adequate vocabulary to comprehend text Students expressed concern over being taught numerous “vocabulary” words for spelling each week without ever examining the meaning
McKeown,M.G., and I.L. Beck. “Direct and Rich Vocabulary Instruction.” Vocabulary Instruction R. Malatesha Joshi.”Vocabulary: A Critical Component of Comprehension.” Reading & Writing Quarterly, 21: , 2005 Lu Mei-fang. “Teachers’ role in vocabulary teaching: Strategies for vocabulary teaching.” Sino-US English Teaching 5, no. 8 (2008): 1-6. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy : November 2007 : Abstract of Effective Content Vocabulary Instruction in the Middle: Matching Students, Purposes, Words, and Strategies”, n.d. zotero://attachment/24/. Research:
Flanigan, Kevin, and Scott C. Greenwood. “Effective Content Vocabulary Instruction in the Middle: Matching Students, Purposes, Words, and Strategies.” Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 51, no. 3 (2007): Boulware-Gooden, Regina, Suzanne Carreker, Ann Thornhill, and R. Malatesha Joshi. “Instruction of Metacognitive Strategies Enhances Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Achievement of Third-Grade Students.” The Reading Teacher 61, no. 1 (2007): Atkinson, Fairlie. “Improving Reading Comprehension Through Instructional Vocabulary Strategies.” Perspectives (TESOL Arabia) 17, no. 2 (June 2010): Research Con’t:
What are the effects of an integrated direct and indirect vocabulary instructional approach on vocabulary growth? What are the effects of a meaning-based vocabulary instructional approach on vocabulary growth? The Questions:
Classroom Demographics Eli’s Classroom Grade 7th Gender 15 male 13 female Ethnicity 1/3 Caucasian Growing Hmong population Ability Regular education classroom with multiple ability levels Sonya’s Classroom Grade 5 th Gender 12 male 13 female Ethnicity 3/4 Caucasian 2 African American and 2 Hispanic Ratio Regular education classroom with multiple ability levels
Instructional plan Word Journals Morphemic root introduction Word meaning from context Pre and Post vocabulary test
Examples of student work A:
Examples of student work B:
Examples of student work C:
Examples of student work D:
Examples of student work E:
Word Journal Entries Pre and Post Assessment Scores Writing samples Morphemic root pre/post test
Mrs. Elliott’s Pre and Post Vocabulary Data
Mrs. Elliott’s Pre and Post Test Data
Mr.Water’s Pre and Post Vocabulary Data
Mr. Water’s Pre and Post Test Data