1 DEVT/BBU February 2009 www.iso.org International Organization for Standardization www.iso.org International Organization for Standardization.


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Presentation transcript:

1 DEVT/BBU February International Organization for Standardization International Organization for Standardization

2 DEVT/BBU February 2009 JCDCMAS meeting by Beer Budoo Director ISO Development and Training Services 6 March March 2009

3 DEVT/BBU February 2009DEVCO DEVCO Chair ( ): Mr. Adu Gyamfi Darkwa, Executive Director, Ghana Standards Board (GSB, Ghana) 134 ISO members from developed and developing countries (as at 1 March 2009): - 83 P-members - 51 O-members (Gabon and Swaziland joined recently) MS from JCDCMAS made presentations at 2008 annual DEVCO meeting

4 DEVT/BBU February 2009 DEVCO Chair’s Advisory Group 9 members (excluding the Chair): 6 from a developing country, 3 from a developed country Current members from Canada, Chile, Japan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Norway, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Tanzania Assists DEVCO in monitoring the implementation of the ISO Action Plan for developing countries Meets twice a year – Next meeting March 2009 in Geneva

5 DEVT/BBU February 2009Objectives 1. Improving awareness 2. Developing capacity 3. Increasing regional cooperation 4. Developing electronic communications 5. Increasing participation

6 DEVT/BBU February 2009 Action Plan for DCs Series of 6 regional consultation workshops will be conducted as preparatory work to the formulation of the next action plan in 2010 (possibly one in 2009)- as part of SIDA project Formal approval by Council of plan is expected end 2010-early 2011

7 DEVT/BBU February 2009 Operational services Technical assistance targeted at developing countries, i.e. activities funded by donors such SIDA, SECO, DIN or from funds-in-trust contributed by ISO members – mainly consisting of national, regional and global activities in  awareness raising on standards,  capacity building for managing national involvement in international standardization,  Enhancing regional cooperation,  supporting participation in governance and technical work of ISO,  improving ICT capability for participating in standardization

8 DEVT/BBU February workplan for TA Topics to be covered Adopting and referencing IS (new) Conformity assessment (5 national in Saint Lucia, Bahrain, Bosnia, Uzbekistan, Philippines and 2 regional in Argentina and Ghana) (countries not confirmed) Consumer involvement Energy management (new) Environment ICT project (new) ISO Effective participation in IS through NMCs (new) Role of international standards in economic development and trade (new) Societal security Social responsibility

9 DEVT/BBU February 2009 Four ICT Packages Package 1: for member bodies with least-developed infrastructures Package 2: for member bodies with limited participation in ISO standards development, and small-scale development of national standards Package 3: for member bodies with significant participation in ISO standards development, and significant development of national standards Package 4: for members wishing to develop a Web site containing a catalogue of national standards 14 national activities planned for 2009 (12 for package 1 and one for each of 2 and 3)

10 DEVT/BBU February 2009 Increase regional cooperation Council resolution in March 2008 reinforces existing cooperation with regional standards organizations and opens possibilities for working with sub-regional organizations in areas of capacity building and awareness raising Joint activities held with Standardization Organization for the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GSO), the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA), the Organization of American States (OAS), the Asian Consultative Committee on Standards and Quality (ACCSQ), the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and the CARICOM Regional Organization for Standards and Quality (CROSQ) Events for groups of countries forming part of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the East African Community (EAC), the Pan American Standards Commission (COPANT) and the Economic and Monetary Community in Central Africa (CEMAC)

11 DEVT/BBU February 2009 Relations with international organizations- UNIDO A UNIDO-ISO memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed in December 2003 to jointly assist developing countries and countries with economies in transition focusing on the use of standardization to enhance industrial development and participate in world trade. In the implementation of the MoU, UNIDO has been supporting a number of NSBs towards ISO membership, increasing their participation in international standardization activities, helping them to harmonize national standards with ISO standards and also assisting users such as businesses, governments and consumers in the implementation of standards (4 countries have just joined ISO under the EU/UNIDO/ECOWAS programme) The 2 organizations participate in each other’s awareness-building events and meetings related to standards and conformity assessment, e.g. the DEVCO- CASCO workshops organized by ISO or on ISO UNIDO and ISO have prepared a joint publication entitled « Fast forward – NSBs in developing countries » which is meant to provide guidance on how to manage the national standardization process. A second publication on CA is being finalized Several other areas of cooperation, e.g. energy management, water use and conservation, etc. are envisaged in the future

12 DEVT/BBU February 2009ITC The following joint ISO/ITC reference documents have been published:  ISO 9001 for Small Businesses (2002);  ISO 9001: A workbook for service organizations (2006);  ISO Food Safety Management Systems – An easy-to-use checklist for small business. Are you ready? (2007) Following correspondence between ISO SG and the Executive Director of ITC, cooperation in 2009 will be around  prepare a joint publication on ISO along the same lines as ISO – Are you ready?  develop a supplement to the Fast Forward publication addressing the synergistic role of export promotion agencies and NSBs

13 DEVT/BBU February 2009 Publications in the pipeline Guidance publication on conformity assessment and CASCO toolbox jointly with UNIDO It is planned to consult UNIDO on another joint publication that will review and expand the current ISO publication « Organization and self-financing of participation in ISO work » Guidance publication on stakeholder participation, NMCs and adoption of international standards according to ISO/IEC Guide 21 as well as training materials Course materials for awareness on energy management, adopting and referencing IS, role of standards in economic development and trade

14 DEVT/BBU February 2009 Thank you !