2 Background RA I –Algiers (Algeria), –Cairo (Egypt), –Nairobi (Kenya), –Gaborone (Botswana) RA II –Beijing (China) –Tsukuba (Japan) RA III –Buenos Aires (Argentina) RA IV –Georgetown (Barbados), –San-Jose (Costa Rica), –United States RA V –Manila (Philippines) –Melbourne (Australia) RA VI –Bratislava (Slovakia), –Ljubljana(Slovenia) –Trappes (France) Visited RIC ; Questionnaire
3 Terms of Reference (a)To keep a set of meteorological standard instruments linked with recognized international or national standards and to log their performance and elements of comparison;
4 Terms of Reference (b)To assist Members of the Region in calibrating their national standard meteorological instruments or in comparing them with the standard instruments mentioned in (c) below and to keep the Members of the Region and the WMO Secretariat informed on the available standard instruments;
5 Terms of Reference (c)To be prepared to certify the instruments' conformity with the standards with reference to WMO recommendations;
6 Terms of Reference (d)To organize instrument evaluations and comparisons, following standard methods;
7 Terms of Reference (e)To advise Members of the Region concerned on their enquiries regarding instrument performance and the availability of relevant guidance material;
8 Terms of Reference (f)To assist WMO in organizing regional symposia, seminars or workshops on the maintenance, calibration and comparison of meteorological instruments by providing laboratory and field installations, as well as assistance with regard to demonstration equipment and expert advice;
9 Terms of Reference (g)To keep a library of books and periodicals on instrument theory and practices;
10 Terms of Reference (h)To cooperate with other Regional Instrument Centers to provide standardization of meteorological instruments
11 Classification Level 1 called Basic level is absolute minimum working level; –TOR a) and g) are satisfied That means Traceability and Library
12 Classification Level 2 called Promotion Level; –c) is also satisfied That means: able to certify conformity
13 Classification Level 3 called Standard Level; – b) and e) are satisfied That means: assist and advise members (in term of instruments)
14 Classification Level 4 called Extended Level; –d) and f) are completed That means: organize evaluation and symposium…
15 Classification Level 5 called Certified Level: –The RIC or the laboratory or the organization is certified or accredited by an external organization against ISO normalization (ISO 9001 or ISO ) That means: more than needed
16 Evaluation RIC CAPABILITIESLEVEL PressureTemperatureHumidit y SolarRai n WindOther RA I AlgiersYYOY-Y 2 -> 4 GaboroneYYO--- 2 CairoYYYY-- 2 -> 4 NairobiOYOO---1 RA II BeijingYYYYYY-3 (4) Tsukuba 4 RA III Buenos AiresYYYYYYUV(1 )-> 5 RA IV GeorgetownYOOO---1-> 3 (?) San-Jose---OY--1 United StatesY (?) 5 (?) RA V ManilaYY-Y-Y-2 MelbourneYYYYYYozone5 RA VI BratislavaYYY-YY-5 LjubljanaYYYYYYAir qualit y 4 (5) TrappesYYYYYYIR5
17 Evaluation
18 Strengthening Proposals: quality policy operator method apparatus laboratory cooperation
19 Proposals Laboratory –the necessary facilities –laboratory equipment –protected from direct solar radiation –stabilized temperature –Dust, fume, smoke should also be prohibited –The infrastructure should be adapted to the capabilities –and maintained That is including building, workspace, hardware, software…
20 Strengthening Apparatus –set of meteorological standard instruments –establish traceability –The systems should be adapted to uncertainty needed –The systems should be adapted to instruments to be calibrated
21 Strengthening Staff –qualified managerial –Technical staff with necessary experience
22 Strengthening Method –technical procedures It is not necessary to develop its own technical revolutionary method Classical method should be clearly adapted by the staff to the apparatus
23 Strengthening Policy –sent to WMO –communicate to the staff –more communication with Members of the Region the customer’s requirement should be determined and expressed. So meetings are organized between RIC and customers
24 Strengthening Cooperation –inter-laboratory comparisons
25 Strengthening Quality –improvement factor –external assessment
26 Conclusion 2 level structure of the RICs: –basic capabilities –full capabilities
27 Conclusion Specialization: –e.g., temperature measuring instruments –better utilization of resources and capabilities within a Region
28 Conclusion Traceability –national laboratory –another country –RIC
29 Conclusion Quality control and quality assurance: –calibration laboratory guide –quality assurance –technical procedure
30 Conclusion International standards –ISO 9001:2000 –ISO 17025
31 Conclusion Regular assessment –A review of the RICs at each Regional Association session –Assessment by an external body (certification or accreditation body, WMO…)
32 Bibliography [1] : CIMO Expert Team on Regional Instrument Centers, Quality Management Systems and Commercial Instrument Initiatives, Reduced Session 4-7 April RICs_Final%20Report.pdf [2] : A first review of calibration devices acceptable for Metrology Laboratory. J. DUVERNOY, J, GORMAN, D. GROSELJ. TECO [3] : International Organization for Standardization : Quality management systems – Requirements, ISO 9001 :2000