Where are we today? Results of the Administrator Survey
Administrator Survey Communication – staff, students, parents Policy Scheduling Tracking Staff confidence and training Resources Implementation – facilitators and barriers Outcomes – what is the impact of DPA on students?
Administrator Survey Randomly selected 150 schools 75 elementary/middle schools 75 secondary schools 5 Health authorities and 60 school districts 15 schools of each type selected within each HA Each school district represented at least once for both categories of schools DPA early leader schools also invited to participate
How successful do you feel your school is at implementing DPA? Very successfulSomewhat successful Not successful Elementary/middle40%55%5.7% Secondary6.4%59.6%34%
Elementary/Middle Schools Key Findings Utilize PE classes; non PE days supplemented with classroom activities; intramurals; clubs; whole school activities Teacher autonomy - scheduling and implementation Tracking 100% paper based Report out to parents through report cards Information went out through newsletters and PAC meetings at beginning of implementation
Elementary/Middle Schools Key Findings Action Schools! BC – primary resource & training Utilize community resources (44%) Swimming Skating Instructors (e.g. dance, karate)
Elementary/Middle Schools Key Findings What are some of your best DPA ideas? Utilizing the outdoors School wide events Buddy systems Dance, yoga, fitness
Elementary/Middle Schools Key Findings SupportUnderstanding of benefits Teachers**84%yes 14% no 2% don’t know 98%yes Studentsn/a88% yes 7% no 5% don’t know Parents69% yes 2% no 29% don’t know 74% yes 6% no 20% don’t know * question posed to Administrators “Do you feel staff support......” etc. ** support in theory but frustration with implementation support
Elementary/Middle Schools Key Findings Challenges and barriers Scheduling and time Space Accountability – making sure it’s done Staff training limitations Curriculum demands Policy – per day vs. average/week Weather Keeping it fresh Buy in from teachers, parents, students
Elementary/Middle Schools Key Findings Suggestions to enhance implementation: Resources Training Staffing Funding Space Communication policy
Elementary/Middle Schools Key Findings Benefits for students in terms of classroom behaviour and ability to focus Overall impact on school: Positive – students more active, have more energy, increased school connectedness Neutral – already an active school Negative – takes time from curriculum; no change in inactive students
Secondary Schools Key Findings Offerings include: PE classes DPA elective courses Open gym time Clubs and teams Fitness classes Intramurals Occasional school side events ** only 26% indicated using community partnerships
Secondary Schools Key Findings Majority of schools (75%) expect students to log out of school activities Tracking primarily paper-based (89%) Approx. half of schools provide time for students to record tracking Homeroom; planning classes; advisory or grad transition classes 70% provide time to develop DPA plan Homeroom; planning classes; advisory or grad transition classes
Secondary Schools Key Findings What are some of your best DPA ideas? Tying it to curriculum Planning 10; Grad transitions Classroom activities Physical activity courses Activities/clubs
Secondary Schools Key Findings SupportUnderstand benefits Teachers**52% yes 40% No 8% don’t know 94%yes 4% No 2% don’t know StudentsN/A60% yes 23% no 17% don’t know Parents27% yes 33% No 41% don’t know 60% yes 10% No 29% don’t know * Administrator asked “Do you feel that staff.....” **in theory support but frustrated by practicality of it; PE staff or those directly involved, others indifferent
Secondary Schools Key Findings Secondary schools with grades 8 & 9 meet 30 min/day requirement through: Linear PE classes Average the time over the year (particularly semestered PE) Don’t differentiate from grades 10 to 12 – utilize 150 min/week requirement
Secondary Schools Key Findings Challenges and Barriers Time Semester system Buy in students, teachers, parents Tracking Space Curricular demands Funding Staff time Lack of impact Not a school policy issue
Secondary Schools Key Findings Suggestions to enhance implementation: Flexibility Communication Less paperwork Funding Curriculum Realistic and doable Focus on elementary and middle staffing
Secondary Schools Key Findings Overall impact of DPA on school: Tracking is difficult and has created extra work Overall sense of frustration
Take Home Message Success stories are out there Support is there in theory; frustration with implementation Areas to work on: Buy-in Communication Make it simple but worthwhile