June 23, 2009 An ELC EdLawNet Presentation
Exceptional Children Exceptional Children
Lifestyle Choices Lifestyle Choices
Supervision of Students Supervision of Students
Relationships With Students Relationships With Students
Teacher Performance and Evaluations Teacher Performance and Evaluations
Church-State Relations Church-State Relations
To convince school leaders that they should be doing more work with faculties, staff, and communities about school law To convince school leaders that they should be doing more work with faculties, staff, and communities about school law
To provide school leaders with resources that will help them teach school law concepts and processes to teachers To provide school leaders with resources that will help them teach school law concepts and processes to teachers
To convince school leaders that they should be doing more work with faculties, staff, and communities about school law To convince school leaders that they should be doing more work with faculties, staff, and communities about school law To provide school leaders with resources that will help them teach school law concepts and processes to teachers To provide school leaders with resources that will help them teach school law concepts and processes to teachers To create a network of school leaders who can support one another in areas related to school law To create a network of school leaders who can support one another in areas related to school law
ELC Education Law Network Ning: ELC Education Law Network Ning: ELC Education Law Network Wiki: ELC Education Law Network Wiki:
Session Process: 1.Each participant is assigned a group number. 2.For the first Breakout Cycle, participants attend the session corresponding to their numbers. 3.For subsequent sessions, participants attend the next higher number session until they get to VI at which point they cycle back to I. 4.Breakout cycles are 25 minutes.
NOT Expert Legal Advice—When in doubt, contact your district office or school attorney NOT Expert Legal Advice—When in doubt, contact your district office or school attorney Collegial Leadership Support for helping faculties, staff, and communities understand educational law and policy Collegial Leadership Support for helping faculties, staff, and communities understand educational law and policy
Who are these people in this group? Network, network, network Who are these people in this group? Network, network, network What areas of school law and policy do I need extra work in? What areas of school law and policy do I need extra work in? What kinds of professional development do I need in the area of school law and policy? What kinds of professional development do I need in the area of school law and policy? What areas of school law and policy do my faculty, staff, and community need to understand? What areas of school law and policy do my faculty, staff, and community need to understand?
Lunch is on your own from 12:00 noon to 1:15 p.m. Lunch is on your own from 12:00 noon to 1:15 p.m. We’ll meet back here at 2:45. We’ll meet back here at 2:45. Stick around. It will be worth it! Stick around. It will be worth it!