Welcome Back Students and Parents 5-1 and 5-2 Mr. Burns and Mrs. Stauffer
Mr. Burns' & Mrs. Stauffer’s Beliefs and Philosophy Every child is capable of learning. We seek solutions (not punishments) to enable all students to become the best they can be. Parents are the most important people in every child’s life.
Mr. Burns' & Mrs. Stauffer’s Beliefs and Philosophy According to a new review of recent research published by the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, students with involved parents, no matter what their income or background, are more likely to: Earn higher grades, test scores, & enroll in higher programs Be promoted, pass their classes & earn credits Attend school regularly Have better social skills, show improved behavior and adapt well to school Graduate & go on to post-secondary education
Mr. Burns' & Mrs. Stauffer’s Beliefs and Philosophy Conclusions: When parents talk to their children about school, expect them to do well, help them plan for college, and make sure that out-of-school activities are constructive, their children do better in school. When schools engage families in ways that are linked to improve learning, and support parent involvement at home and school, students make greater gains. When schools build partnerships with families and those families respond to their concerns, honor their contributions, and share power, they succeed at improving student achievement.
IS Building Rules Listen and follow directions first time given. Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself. Use kind words and voices when speaking. Treat people and property with respect. Keep a low noise level. Walk inside the school building.
Classroom Rules Stay on task. Respect each other. Respect each other’s property. If you don’t know who, what, when, where, why, or how, then ask. Take care of our classroom. BE KIND TO ONE ANOTHER.
Classroom Rules cont. All rules state what we want students to do, rather than what we don’t want them to do. If they’re doing what they’re supposed to be doing, then we won’t need to worry about what they’re not doing.
Discipline Policies Warning (Verbal or Nonverbal) Teacher will address it personally with student. Loss of privilege(s) Token economy Recess Disciplinary referral Dean of Students Principal Parent Conference
Homework Policy Homework is given to review/practice material discussed in class as well as prepare for upcoming assessments. All homework is due the next day unless otherwise stated by the teacher. Assignments turned in late will lose 10% of their value each school day. Homework should not average longer than 50 minutes on a given night. If there is ever a problem, please contact us with a phone call, , or written note. Assignment Board & Assignment Book Daily (contact:
Token Economy System YOU GET PAID TO COME TO 5 TH GRADE! SEAL $ are earned based on grades, participation, and behavior SEAL $ can be spent at the 5 th Grade Store and at special raffles SEAL $ can be lost for breaking rules and late or incomplete work Payday Application (about every 2 weeks) Math application and connection Communication piece for parents
Communication In the event you should want to contact us, we can be reached the following way. School Phone: Home Phone:Mr. Burns Mrs. Stauffer If it’s important and it just can’t wait, please don’t hesitate to call. us at
Math Topics Numbers & Operations Value of Large #s, Decimals, and Fractions Add & Subtract Large #s, Decimals, & Fractions Multiply & Divide Large #s and Decimals Rounding & Estimating Number Relationships (factors, multiples, etc.) Real World Problems Measurement Standard & Metric Perimeter & Area Real World Problems
Math Topics Geometry Naming 2 & 3-dimensional objects Lines, line segments, rays, points Transformations Algebraic Concepts Recognizing & creating patterns Solving & using equations Data Analysis & Probability Reading and making graphs Using Mean, Median, Mode, & Range Using possible outcomes & probabilities
Math Homework Take-home practice based on student needs Study Island Problem of the Day Tests About every two weeks PSSA End of March
Science 1 st & 2 nd Marking Period Topics Landforms and Geologic Processes Water Cycle, Weather, & Climate Cells, Microscopes, & Immune System Ecosystems Biomes (project) Design Homework (about every 3 days) Tests (about every two weeks)
Social Studies 3 rd & 4 th Marking Period Topics U.S. Regions (states & capitals) Colonial Times Revolutionary War Forming a New Nation (The Constitution) Growth & Conflict, Westward Expansion Civil War (Thematic Unit & 5 th Gr. Camp) Homework (about every 3 days) Tests (about every 2 weeks)
Reading Daily independent reading time Daily fluency practice – Six-Minute Solution Anthology stories with extension activities Literacy Circles Fiction Nonfiction related to science and social studies Poetry Research projects Biomes Wax museum biographies Reading contests
Reading Book Reviews and book sharing time Homework Read 20 minutes each night Study for anthology tests – after each story Responsibilities 2 novels and 1 nonfiction book each month This counts as a homework grade. AR test on each book (not graded) Counts words for the Millionaire’s Club Collects points for the AR challenge
Grammar Grammar Grabber daily Parts of speech Review nouns, verbs, adjectives, and conjunctions Linking and helping verbs Pronouns Adverbs Prepositions Sentence construction Sentence structure Proper application of parts of speech Homework Practice sheets Study for tests – at the end of each unit
Writing Being a Writer – new program Introduction units The Writing Community The Writing Process Personal Narrative Fiction Expository Nonfiction Persuasive Nonfiction Poetry Daily writing time Pair Conferences Sharing and reflecting with the class Homework: to be determined
Spelling Affix Units Prefixes Suffixes Greek and Latin root words 6 words on Monday with practice homework Write a 5 th grade sentence for each word, applying grammar rules – Tuesday homework Review Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday Test Friday 6 points for spelling grade: spell the word 7 points for reading grade: definitions
Commonly Asked Questions What does my child need for school? A 2” binder for Mrs. Stauffer’s LA class This is the “file cabinet” for the year All graded materials will be kept here for each marking period. We houseclean after report cards are signed and returned. Birthday Treat? Monthly birthday lunch parties Dates and number of treats needed will be announced monthly Date for camp? May 27 to 30