Kristin Roberts Computer Assisted Language Learning Saint Michael’s College Summer 2007
Kristin Roberts Parts of the Essay: Introduction: Presentation& Thesis Statement Paragraph One: Topic Sentence& Evidence Paragraph Two: Topic Sentence& Evidence Conclusion: Paraphrase Thesis& Concluding Comment Paragraph Three: Topic Sentence& Evidence
Kristin Roberts The Introduction has two main parts: The Introduction has two main parts: Presentation of topic/Motivator: Presentation of topic/Motivator: One or two sentences introducing the topic of the essay to the reader Thesis statement: Thesis statement: A sentence that states the main idea of the essay, outlining the three supporting points. A sentence that states the main idea of the essay, outlining the three supporting points. There are many different kinds of colleges that American students might choose to go to. There are many different kinds of colleges that American students might choose to go to. Students choose colleges based on location, academics, and comfort. Students choose colleges based on location, academics, and comfort.
Kristin Roberts There are three body paragraphs. These paragraphs have two parts: There are three body paragraphs. These paragraphs have two parts: Topic Sentence: Topic Sentence: A sentence that tells the main point of the essay. Evidence: Evidence: Further explanation that supports the topic statement. Usually includes an example, a statistic, or a citation. Location is an important part in choosing a college because students must be a comfortable distance from their homes. Location is an important part in choosing a college because students must be a comfortable distance from their homes. There are several students who choose to transfer colleges because they feel that they are too far from home. There are several students who choose to transfer colleges because they feel that they are too far from home.
Kristin Roberts The conclusion has two main parts: The conclusion has two main parts: Paraphrase of Thesis/Reworded Thesis: Paraphrase of Thesis/Reworded Thesis: Reminds the reader of the main idea of the essay. Concluding Comment/Clincher: Concluding Comment/Clincher: Makes final comments about the essay. Students make decisions about college based on concerns of location, academics, and comfort. Students make decisions about college based on concerns of location, academics, and comfort. Students who know about these important concerns will be more likely to be happy with their college choices. Students who know about these important concerns will be more likely to be happy with their college choices.
Kristin Roberts Let’s look at an example. Look for the following parts in the example essay: presentation of topic, thesis statement, 3 topic sentences, 3 evidences/examples, paraphrase of thesis, and concluding comment. One interesting piece of American culture are the imaginary characters that children are taught to believe in. American children often believe in the tooth fairy, Santa Clause, and the Easter Bunny. American children are usually taught to believe in the tooth fairy. Many American children leave their lost teeth under their pillows, believing that the tooth fairy will take them and leave money in their place. Most American children believe that Santa Clause brings toys and presents to them on Christmas. Many of these children leave cookies and milk for Santa to snack on during his visit. American children usually believe in the Easter Bunny. Most American children believe that the candy baskets and gifts they find on Easter morning are brought by the Easter Bunny. There are many imaginary characters in American culture that are taught to children such as the Tooth Fairy, Santa Clause, and the Easter Bunny. These beliefs show that some parts of American culture are highly imaginative.
Kristin Roberts The Parts: One interesting piece of American culture are the imaginary characters that children are taught to believe in. American children often believe in the tooth fairy, Santa Clause, and the Easter Bunny. American children are usually taught to believe in the tooth fairy. Many American children leave their lost teeth under their pillows, believing that the tooth fairy will take them and leave money in their place. Most American children believe that Santa Clause brings toys and presents to them on Christmas. Many of these children leave cookies and milk for Santa to snack on during his visit. American children usually believe in the Easter Bunny. Most American children believe that the candy baskets and gifts they find on Easter morning are brought by the Easter Bunny. There are many imaginary characters in American culture that are taught to children such as the Tooth Fairy, Santa Clause, and the Easter Bunny. These beliefs show that some parts of American culture are highly imaginative.
Kristin Roberts Let’s Review: What are the parts of the Introduction? What are the parts of the Introduction? What are the parts of the Body Paragraphs? What are the parts of the Body Paragraphs? What are the parts of the Conclusion? What are the parts of the Conclusion?
Kristin Roberts
The Five Paragraph Essay is a helpful structure for Academic Writing. There are several online sources that can provide extra information and further clarification. You may want to check out the following site when drafting your essays: More Help with Five Paragraph Essays More Help with Five Paragraph Essays