Leaders in Asset Management ISO Asset Management Systems 1 Prepared by Jim Dieter, MIAM CPPM CF NPMA Executive Vice President Director of Strategic Programs, Sunflower Systems
Leaders in Asset Management Topics Facts – what’s happened and what’s the schedule? Players – who’s involved? Concepts – what’s new? Take aways – what’s in it for you?
Leaders in Asset Management ISO Management System Standards Great impact and respect in the US Executive Level visibility Examples: ISO 9001 – Quality Management System Standard ISO – Environmental Management System Standard ISO – Energy Management System Standard 3
Leaders in Asset Management ISO Series of Standards ISO Overview, principles and terminology The CEO level document Principles and definitions set the tone for the other documents ISO Requirements The “shall” statements ISO Guidelines Same content as 50001, but with guidance for each section 4
Leaders in Asset Management ISO Timeline June 2010 – Decision to move forward BSI PAS 55 as base document November 2010 – ISO approval to begin March 2011 – Meeting in Australia to consider comments on initial draft October 2011 – Meeting in Arlington to transform comments into solid new drafts 2012 – Solidify draft documents 2013 – ISO process (translation and balloting) March 2014 – Approved standard
Leaders in Asset Management Topics Facts – what’s happened and what’s the schedule? Players – who’s involved? Concepts – what’s new? Take aways – what’s in it for you?
Leaders in Asset Management ISO PC251 The ISO committee tasked to draft the standard is ISO Planning Committee (PC) 251 Chair – Rhys Davies of the UK Secretary – Charles Corrie of ISO and the BSI ISO member countries each have a national standards body that can choose to participate in the development of a specific standard
Leaders in Asset Management ISO PC251 ANSI is the US national standards body ASTM and committee E53 have been designated by ANSI as the host of the official US Technical Advisory Group (US TAG) representing the US in the development of ISO 55000
Leaders in Asset Management US TAG Member Organizations AEDCAESASTM DOBLEDOE/PrincetonDynCorp International GenzymeGP/AlliedGSA JHU/APLLockheed MartinMeridium NASASPNorthrop Grumman ORNL/NPMA RaytheonSRA InternationalStratum Consulting SunflowerUniv of Wisconsin School of Engr Uptime Magazine Vesta ParntersNPMANY Subway
Leaders in Asset Management ISO/PC251 Participating Members 1. Argentina 2. Australia 3. Canada 4. Czech Republic 5. Denmark 6. Finland 7. Germany 8. India 9. Ireland 10. Italy 11. Republic of Korea 12. Netherlands 13. Mexico 14. Peru 15. Portugal 16. South Africa 17. Spain 18. Sweden 19. United Kingdom 20. United States of America 21. United Arab Emirates 22. Japan 23. France 24. Switzerland
Leaders in Asset Management Topics Facts – what’s happened and what’s the schedule? Players – who’s involved? Concepts – what’s new? Take aways – what’s in it for you?
Leaders in Asset Management Terminology Asset - something that has current or potential or actual value to an organization Asset Life - period from conception to end of life Responsibility period - period of value realisation from an asset by an organization Asset management - coordinated activities of an organization to realise value from assets
Leaders in Asset Management Asset Responsibility Period
Leaders in Asset Management Asset Management Asset management enables the realization of value from assets Value realization is achieved through the use of analytical approaches and implementation processes that have similar core characteristics, no matter what the industry
Leaders in Asset Management The Three Disciplines of Asset Management Asset Performance Management Operational Deriving value from the asset Asset Assurance Management Records and compliance Interface to internal and external stakeholders Asset Portfolio Management High level planning What do we have, and what should we have?
Leaders in Asset Management Asset Management Principles Assets provide value to stakeholders. People are key determiners of asset value realization. An asset management organization is a learning organization. Asset management knows internal and external context, enablers, and opportunities. Asset management decisions consider future economic, environmental and social implications. Asset management transforms strategic intent into technical, economic and financial activities.
Leaders in Asset Management ISO Required Management System Definition Asset Management System Set of interrelated or interacting elements of an organization to establish policies and objectives, and processes to achieve those objectives
Leaders in Asset Management Topics Facts – what’s happened and what’s the schedule? Players – who’s involved? Concepts – what’s new? Take aways – what’s in it for you?
Leaders in Asset Management What’s in it for the NPMA? Opportunities and Decisions How should the NPMA engage with other Asset Management organizations in the US? How should the NPMA engage with other national and international Asset Management organizations?
Leaders in Asset Management What’s in it for the NPMA? The NPMA Advantage – How we fit into the global and US Asset Management environment Our unique market/niche/area of expertise: US Public Sector Compliance / Assurance Management
Leaders in Asset Management What’s in it for your organization? ISO promises to be a widely recognized and adopted international standard Assurance that your organization is doing the right things Focus is on supporting the mission and objectives of your organization Realizing value from the organization’s assets
Leaders in Asset Management What’s in it for you? Better enable all of us to do our jobs Increased management awareness of asset management More “transportable” job skills and expertise More opportunities
Leaders in Asset Management Thank you! 23