Comprehensive Integrated Mental Health Plan and Alaska Scorecard February 12, 2009 A presentation by the Department of Health and Social Services and the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority
Statutory Requirements (AS 47.30.660) Department of Health and Social Services must “prepare, and periodically revise and amend a plan for an integrated comprehensive mental health program” in conjunction with The Trust and coordinated with federal, state, regional, local, and private entities involved in behavioral health services
Comp Plan Leadership Team and Data and Planning Group Representatives from: Department of Health and Social Services & its divisions Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority (The Trust) Department of Corrections Governor's Council on Disabilities and Special Education Alaska Commission on Aging Alaska Mental Health Board Advisory Board on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse The Alaska Brain Injury Network
Comprehensive Integrated Mental Health Plan: What is it? On-line tool for legislature, executive branch, stakeholders, and partners A source of information about the issues impacting all Trust beneficiary populations
Populations Addressed in the Plan Comp Plan target population — Alaska Mental Health Trust beneficiaries People with Alcoholism People with Mental illness People with Developmental disabilities People with Alzheimer’s Disease People with Brain Injury
What is in the Comp Plan? Prevalence data Information about: Substance abuse Suicide Mental Health Safety Disability Justice Housing Education Economic Security Current system of care Current initiatives and emerging issues
Alaska Scorecard: Key Issues Impacting Trust Beneficiaries Provides a snapshot of key issues impacting Trust beneficiaries Comparisons to U.S. data Targets for 2012
Alaska Scorecard: How it Works Provides links to on-line drilldown information Shows trend data Links to Comp Plan data, initiatives, and system of care
The Comp Plan and Scorecard Guide Policy Provide direction for policy and planning efforts Examples: Budget recommendations to The Trust by advisory boards Trust budget recommendations for Mental Health Budget bill New initiatives and focus areas
Comp Plan and Scorecard Serve as Road Maps Where we’ve been Where we need to go How we plan to get there Where we may want to go in the future