Combating education inequalities and exclusion The EU policy for young children Working for Inclusion seminar - Brussels, 9 December 2010 European Commission, DG Education and Culture Head of Unit for “Equal Opportunities & Equity in Education and Training”
Growing unequal 84 million Europeans in poverty; more than 20 million are children The risk of poverty of children increases to: 25% for those in large families 30% for those who live with lone parents Socio-economic disadvantage greatly reduces educational prospects and future life chances
Inequalities in E&T persist In every facet and level of education and training systems – in access, treatment and outcomes They reflect, reproduce and often compound the effects of wider socio-economic disadvantage Socio-economic background has a big impact on chances to access to and succeed in E&T at whatever level They have a huge financial cost, rarely reported in public accountancy systems
Disadvantage in education (examples) More than 6 million drop out of school early (1 in 7) Early school leaving is more than double for migrant students and even higher for Roma children 6 million 4-year-olds not enrolled in pre-primary education and care –many of them in high-need families Boys drop out more than girls and perform less well in reading; girls low in MST studies and careers Migrant and Roma children overrepresented in special needs 80 million of adults with severe deficiencies in basic skills –less likely to engage in further learning
The spatial/regional dimension EU and national-level averages conceal very unpleasant local and regional realities Fifth (2010) EU "Report on economic, social and territorial cohesion: the future of cohesion policy“: Striking regional differences Europe remains unequal and socially divided Hundreds of "grey zones" across the EU where educational disadvantage goes hand-in-hand with socio-economic deprivation and undermines quality of life, local and regional development and social cohesion
The policy response Europe 2020: strategic priorities and headline targets Strategic priorities: smart, sustainable and inclusive growth Headline targets: Early school leavers should be under 10% at least 40% of the younger generation should have a tertiary degree 75% of the population aged 20-64 should be employed 20 million less people should be at risk of poverty
The ET2020 Strategic Framework for European policy cooperation in E&T Adopted in May 2009, with 4 strategic objectives: Making LLL and mobility a reality Improving the quality and efficiency of E&T Promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship early school leaving migrant children Early childhood education and care learners with special needs (priorities for 2009-2011) Enhancing creativity and innovation at all levels of E&T
European benchmark set for 2020 at least 95% of children between 4 years and the age of primary schooling to participate in ECEC
European developments in 2010 May 2010 Council Conclusions on the social dimension of education and training Belgian Presidency conference Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage–social inclusion in and through education (Sept. 2010) – one of the five parallel workshops on ECEC ⇩ ⇩ ⇩ ⇩ Its conclusions fed an informal debate of ministers of education on Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage on 19 Nov. The upcoming European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion: a European framework for social and territorial cohesion – one of the seven flagship initiatives in EU2020
In the pipeline for 2011 Commission’s Communication on Early Childhood Education & Care Proposal for a Communication accompanying a proposal for a Council Recommendation on early school leaving Proposal for a Council Recommendation on validation of non-formal learning
Education policy cannot make it alone Challenges are complex and multi-dimensional Need for cross-sectoral synergies and cooperation Need for partnership with families and with different actors, including at local and regional level Need for political commitment – matched with financial investment and evidence-based policy making
A Commission overarching initiative In the context of the upcoming “EU platform against poverty and social exclusion”: a new overarching initiative in 2011 on Equity in education and training to support inclusive growth To support Member States and Regions to design comprehensive strategies that will link up education and training measures (at all levels) with action in related policy fields (youth, employment, social security, etc) towards more effective interventions against the cycle of disadvantage.
Past ECEC-relevant EU-level work Efficiency and Equity Communication + Council Conclusions (2006) – strong messages on ECEC, supported by evidence Green Paper on education & migration (2007) + Council Conclusions (2009) Peer-learning – thematic working group of national policy makers on “Access and social inclusion in LLL” (2006-2009) The 2008 Communication on improving schools (with messages on pre-primary) The 2008 European Symposium on Improving Early Childhood Education and Care The 2009 NESSE independent expert report ECEC-lessons from research for policy makers and other thematic knowledge summaries: The 2009 EURYDICE report Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe: tackling social and cultural inequalities …