Expanding Storage in the New World of Consumer Electronics Patrick O’Malley SVP, Consumer Electronics Seagate Technology
Storage Remains Expansive and Ubiquitous Based on a global population of over 6B people, almost 800MB of information is produced per person each year The typical American consumer will generate 100GB of information during their lifetime Over 100 million hours of original programming of broadcast and television each year – That’s 75PB’s generates 400PB’s of data each year In 2002, 5 Exabytes of data were recorded magnetically, yet that was only ¼ of the electronic information flows in the same year Source: UC Berkeley Study 2003
Technology Enables Lifestyle Removable “flash card” size storage for music, still and motion video (phones, camcorders, “personal” PVR’s… Multimedia in mobile computing... Wireless storage of photos, music, HDTV quality video recording and archive, gaming… A Terabyte In Your Den A Terabyte In Your Den 200 GB’s In Your Lap 10 GB’s In Your Palm 1-2 Years from Now… for less than $200 for less than $150 for less than $100
“I want to take it with me” Picture is clear that mass storage will pervade many applications Many different Technical and Business Models are evolving/converging STB with HDD MP3 HDD based devices The end consumer will have storage in many places Consumer will want to manage this and take much of it with them ALL OF THE TIME Consumer will want options to expand storage needs easily and from multiple devices As market evolves in HDD Consumer Electronics, expansion and the ability to remove will become a “necessary” option on many devices Understanding applications will be paramount to design engineers
Consumer Storage Categories
Estimated External HDD Market Size
External Market Projections by Interface
Customer Sets US Cable TV Satellite TV Game consoles Retail Handheld All market players PC Crossover
Expected form factors required for Digital CE applications in next 3 years PVR/DVR/STB Fat 3.5”, 2.5”, External, Removable Home audio, video archive Low Cost 3.5, 2.5”, Fat 3.5”, Removable Gaming Low Cost 3.5”, 2.5”, 1”, Removable MP3 2.5”, 1.8”, 1”,.85” Mobile Video Players 2.5”, 1.8”, 1” Cell Phones.85”, 1”, External Multi function devices 1.8”, 1”,.85”, Removable & Embedded Digital Cameras 1”, &.85”, Removable & Embedded Digital Camcorders 1.8”, 1” Removable & Embedded Auto Navigation 2.5”, 1.8”, 1”, Removable & Embedded Auto Entertainment 2.5”, 1.8”, 1”, Removable & Embedded
External Products-Today
ST1 2.5 and 5 GB Primarily targeted at digital music players at launch 5 GB = –2500 songs (Windows Media) –74 minutes MP4 video RunOn Technology G-Force Protection –1500 Gs robustness non-op Future applications will be PDA’s, DSC,DVC,others
Test Mapping through Field Study (Handheld Storage): Shock and Vibration Profile Shock Random Vibration
Barriers to Portability 1)Legal-(Digital Rights Management) Content owners will dictate accepted solutions 2)Technological- 1)Interfaces will evolve and multiply- USB,SATA, CE-ATA 2)Evolving Form factors 3)Wireless communication capability of devices 3)Business Models- many models will compete in this space. Many variables to determine success on any given one 4)Social- Consumer may want an easy/expandable storage solution to their devices, but will we overload them with “option-itis” 5)Lack of tools to manage vast storage/content across the consumers world 6)Cost,cost,cost 1)Price points dictate volumes and volumes dictate cost