11 BUSINESS STUDIES Exam Review 16/06/2011
EXAM CONTENT You will be required to complete a 50-minute exam 10 Multiple Choice = 10 marks 3 Short Answer questions = 15 marks 1 Extended Response = 15 marks Based on elements of: Topic 1 The Nature of Business Role of business, types of business, influences in the business environment, business growth and decline Topic 2: Business Planning Small to medium enterprises, influences in establishing a small to medium enterprise
TIME ALLOCATION Divide your time via the marks allocated Example 50 minutes = 40 marks = approx 1.25 minutes per mark = MC = 10 x 1 mark questions x 1.25 = 12.5 minutes = SA = 3 x 5 mark questions x 1.25 = minutes = ER = 1 x 15 mark question = minutes Total time = 50 minutes
HOW TO APPROACH THE QUESTIONS Read through all questions carefully Note on paper initial thoughts You don’t have to answer them in the order that you read them Allocate your time where you will get the most marks first. If that is extended response section (section 3) then start there Make sure your hand writing is legible (able to be read) Know your process verbs
MULTIPLE CHOICE Eliminate the obviously wrong answers This helps to narrow the choice if you are unsure Reread the wording of the question There is always a very specific answer as the question will the tailored in a really specific way If in doubt always answer something – you have a 1 in 4 chance of getting it right If you make a mistake put a big cross through the incorrect letter and shade/select another If you think it could be misunderstood draw an arrow stating “error” to avoid confusion
EXAMPLE QUESTIONS 1.The number of employees in a business is: a.Only those who are hired to work in the business b.Includes unpaid workers c.The number of people who physically attend the premises each day d.Includes owners / partners 2.SMEs : a.Can have a number of locations around the world b.Are only based in one location c.Typically employs more than 200 people d.Is owned by hundreds or thousands of shareholders
SHORT ANSWERS If using stimulus material make sure you use that information in your response Do not restate the question, it wastes valuable time and writing space Use all of the writing space provided – it is a clue to how long your answer should be Use bullet points to answer – this is not an English essay – its about business facts Use headings if e.g. asked to discuss then have a heading ‘for’ & ‘against’
EXAMPLES Identify three examples of TNCs (3 marks) ________________________ Distinguish between a local and a national business (4 marks) ________________________
EXTENDED RESPONSE Thesis (Main Idea) Argument (include example) Reinforcement
HOW TO WRITE A PARAGRAPH 1 st sentence introduces point you are about to write about in detail 2 nd (& sometimes 3 rd )sentence/s provide specific details about the point you are trying to make The last sentence introduces the next paragraph Example: Each stage of the business life cycle has its own special features and challenges. Establishment, growth, maturity and post maturity are the key stages to be considered. The establishment stage is typically the first stage each business will start with. The establishment stage is the birth of the business………
THESIS Main Idea Presents the writers opinion Gives a preview of the main argument Clear & straight to the point
ARGUMENT Include examples Support & outline your position Start with the important points Use persuasive language Keep similar ideas together in the same paragraph
REINFORCEMENT To strengthen or support Give a brief & persuasive summary State your thesis using different words again
DISCUSSION APPROACH If asked to ‘discuss’ a statement: Involves writing about the reasons for supporting the argument and against the argument. Sometimes called pros and cons Discussion requires you to discuss pros and cons and then come to a decision as to which set of reasons you support.