Wendy Whitmer- Regional Science Coordinator NEWESD 101 Jennifer Chase- Science Coordinator Spokane Public Schools.


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Presentation transcript:

Wendy Whitmer- Regional Science Coordinator NEWESD 101 Jennifer Chase- Science Coordinator Spokane Public Schools

Learning Targets Understand the connections between science, Common Core State Standards- English Language Arts, and the Next Generation Science Standards. Integrate informational text reading strategies into our science courses. Integrate effective writing strategies into our science courses.

Agenda CCSS-ELA for Science and Technical Subjects Architecture NGSS Architecture- What’s the connection? Instructional Model Text Strategies The Practices Arguing from Evidence In your classroom!

What do you know? Please answer the probe on your own. Talk to the people at your table. Share out with the whole group.

The ELA Document Structure K-5 page 11  Reading  Foundational Skills  Writing  Speaking and Listening  Language  6-12 page 35  Reading  Writing  Speaking and Listening  Language  Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Appendices A, B, C Introduction page 10 5

CCSS-ELA Read the Anchor Standards for Writing Where do you do this already in your classroom? What strategies do you use already?

NGSS Architecture Integration of 3 Dimensions: Practices Crosscutting Concepts Core Ideas Correlation with CCSS

Performance Expectation Science and Engineering Practice Disciplinary Core Idea Cross Cutting Concept Common Core State Standards Connections

Instructional Model Activity Hands-on Informational text reading Scaffolding for the reading Purpose that connects back to activity NGSS and CCSS Standards that the reading helps meet Watch for these components!

8 th Grade Earth Science… Essential Question: How do ocean currents affect regional climate? Investigative Question: What is the effect of temperature and salinity on ocean currents?

Turn and talk with your elbow partner Write a brief description or sketch a quick model In your table groups, decide who will explore each station 1-4 At your station, complete the demonstration. Record observations and sketch models that might help you answer the investigative question.

What is the effect of temperature and salinity on ocean currents? Mark your text while you are reading  Text refers to one of the demonstrations Text helps to answer the investigative question ? Text is confusing or doesn’t make sense

What is the effect of temperature and salinity on ocean currents? In your table groups: Discuss what you read. Did each member of the group find a reference to all four demonstrations? Did each member find information to help answer the question? Develop a model that answers the investigative question.

NGSS / CCSS Standards MS-ESS2-6: Develop and use a model to describe how unequal heating and rotation of the Earth cause patterns of atmospheric and oceanic circulation that determine regional climates ESS2.C (DCI): Variations in density due to variations in temperature and salinity drive a global pattern of interconnected ocean currents. RST.6-8.2: Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text. RST.6-8.7: Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words with a version of that information expressed visually

Instructional Model Activity Hands-on Informational text reading Scaffolding for the reading Purpose that connects back to activity NGSS and CCSS Standards that the reading helps meet What did you notice? What are you wondering?

Three tiers of words Tier 3: Domain- specific words Tier 2: General academic words Tier 1: Words of everyday speech 16

Three tiers of words 17

Tier 3 words are often defined in the texts Plate tectonics (the study of the movement of the sections of Earth’s crust) adds to Earth’s story…. The top layers of solid rock are called the crust. Optical telescopes are designed to focus visible light. Non- optical telescopes are designed to detect kinds of electromagnetic radiation that are invisible to the human eye. 18

Think About Volcanoes Volcanoes Molten Mantle Magma Crust Volcanoes Study Planet Works Scientists Melts 19 Tier 3 Words Tier 1 Words

Activity: Categorize vocabulary With partners, read the selections and identify 20

Activity: Select Tier 2 words to teach The word is central to understanding the text. The word choice and nuance are significant. Students are likely to see this word frequently. Students will be able to use this word when writing in response to the text. It is a more mature or precise label for concepts students already have under control. The word lends itself to teaching a web of words and concepts around it. 21

Teaching Vocabulary Strategies In your science notebooks: Do a one minute quick write of the vocabulary teaching strategies you use Turn to your elbow partner and share your strategies Make a Line of Learning and record other ideas you hear from your partner 22

Strategies Look in Keeley’s Science Formative Assessment. What strategies do you think would be best for teaching academic vocabulary? Which fit Tier 2 words? Which fit Tier 3 words? 23

Your connections Look at your own text. Fill out the template for your text: Consider What is your purpose? How will you scaffold for your students?

Role of Argumentation What do the standards say? In partners Read: From the Framework for K-12 Science Education From the CCSS Speaking and Listening

Role of Argumentation Complete a Box and T Add to the bottom of the Box and T: Where are these practices in your classroom?

Effect of sal and temp on currents Make a claim or return to your original claim Provide evidence from the hands-on and from the reading to support your claim.

Nuclear Power Purpose: Consider the role of argumentation in the science classroom. What do you know about nuclear power? Rank the amount of energy we get from each source. Rank as a group.

Nuclear Power Ranks: Biomass: 6 Coal: 1 Geothermal: 8 Hydropower: 4 Natural Gas: 2 Petroleum: 7 Propane: 10 Solar: 9 Uranium: 3 Wind: 5

Nuclear Power Performance Task From: Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Released Items: Tasks: Identify pros and cons of nuclear power. Evaluate provided sources.

Nuclear Power Performance Task In your courses: What argument can you have your students make? Ex: Stem cell use Ex: Oil drilling in ANWR Ex: What is your evidence that plants get most of their mass from the air?

Argument and Evidence How would you have students gather information? How would you have students evaluate information? How would you ensure students provide sufficient evidence for their argument?

Text complexity video Kids need to be reading rigorous text

Reflect What strategies can you add to your CCSS charts?

Exit Ticket What strategies or elements from today might you use in your classroom? How do you envision implementing the strategy in your classroom?