Sam Kalb Scholarly Communication Services Coordinator QUEEN’S.


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Presentation transcript:

Sam Kalb Scholarly Communication Services Coordinator QUEEN’S

Outline  OJS Features  Queen’s Basics  Queen’s Web Site Promotional Kit Supporting Resources  Staff  OJS Journals  Changes in Managing Queen’s

What is OJS?  OJS was developed by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) at UBC; now based at SFU  By far the most used open source journal publishing system in the world. 11,000+ journals internationally.  Open Journal Systems software is unique because it was developed to assist with every stage of the refereed publishing process, from submissions through to online publication and indexing by way of its online interface.  This can be helpful for those who find that they require a more organized and automated workflow for online journal publication, or for those who are new to the journal publishing process.  A quick upload option that bypasses this system also exists for publishers that are in favour of their current workflow or would like to mount archival issues.

OJS Features - 1  Because it assists with every stage of the refereed publishing process, from submissions through to online publication, OJS may appear complex. However a journal only needs to use those options that it requires.  Easy Set-up. OJS easily steps the Journal Manager through the set up screens in configuring the journal’s options. Editors (not IT staff) configure the requirements, the sections, and the review process.  Roles. OJS uses roles to organize activities and spaces within the journal’s website. For example, Section Editors only view those activities and submissions assigned to them by the Editor to oversee, e.g. a book review editor only sees book review submissions. Registered users can have more than one role (Journal Manager and Editor), while multiple users can have the same role (e.g., a team of 6 Editors).  Formats. Converts text files to PDF automatically upon publication, supports various media and can link to external sources.  Context-sensitive online Help support as well as a responsive user support forum.

OJS Features - 2  Communication. Submission and management of all content is online. Users communicate via notification; also includes a commenting ability for readers.  OJS Indexing. Readers can choose to search the full text of journal articles, to narrow their search to titles, authors, or abstracts, or to search all of the above for maximum hits. Readers can also browse journals by author, title or issue. Indexing occurs automatically as each issue is published.  External indexing. Contents are easily exportable to database sources such as Pubmed, Scholar’s Portal, etc.  Publication. Supports open access, subscription only, or combination; online only and layout to print  Statistics. Maintains standard COUNTER statistics & enhanced usage stats developed in house; also maintain journal management stats such as no. of articles submitted, etc.  Alerts. Available in various formats and options  Back issues. Can import back issues in XML format

Queen’s Basics Queen’s Basics  QUL endeavours to support journal publishers at Queen's in bringing their new and existing journals to the web. Using OJS, journal creators are able to publish their journals online quickly and easily.  Office of Research Services can provide startup funding for new journals of $5,000  Technical support of the service by Library Discovery Systems; mounted on Library web server space. Minimal tech support required (mainly upgrades)  Queen’s began in 2007 & currently hosts 13 peer reviewed journals and a set of conference proceedings.  Easy to maintain; no supplementary funding required

Scholarly Communications Web Site Queen’s Web Site

Supporting Resources  OJS Userguide. Complete illustrated guide to establishing a new journal, all the features, and each user role. OJS Userguide  Help for OJS Users. Includes OJS discussion and support forums, customizing and indexing your OJS journal, importing & exporting content, sustainability, and more. Help for OJS Users  Frequently Asked Questions. Includes starting a new journal, registering for an ISSN, a DOI, available statistics and more. Frequently Asked Questions  Journal Implementation Questionnaire and Service Agreement Journal Implementation Questionnaire and Service Agreement  OJS Video Tutorials OJS Video Tutorials  OJS Support Forum OJS Support Forum

Staff  Coordinator (.10 FTE) Establish new journals upon request from faculty and students Provide initial training to journal manager(s) in configuring the journal Advise faculty and student groups, planning a journal or running a journal on a web site, about potential benefits in using OJS and available options Document OJS services and developments on the web site Monitor the service and work with existing users to assess ongoing support requirements (technical, workshops, training materials, etc.) Explore possible collaborative initiatives on provincial and national level  Tech Support  Tech Support (from Josh as needed) Install upgrades and troubleshoot tech problems if any

Full Range of Possible Roles in an OJS Journal Journal Managers Subscription Managers Editors Section Editors Layout Editors Reviewers Copyeditors Proofreaders Authors Readers

Roles in OJS Roles Journal Manager Sets up journal by filling in templates and selecting options; manages/import users, assigning roles; manages reading tools, indexing, prepared s. Editor Assigns Editors or Section Editors to submissions; oversee editorial process and decisions; assembles and publishes issues. Section Editor Optional role for assisting in managing peer review process and makes editorial decision for submissions regarding a section of the journal, e.g. Book Review Section. Reviewer Reviewer accepts or decines to review an article, reviews articles and submits reviews with comments, suggested revisions according to the journal’s specifications Subscription Manager Manages all aspects of subscriptions for subscription-based, non-open access journals Additional Roles Based on traditional journal editing processes, with Layout Editor, for example, laying out PDF and/or HTML of published version of articles.

OJS Journal Manager’s Homepage

OJS Editor’s Homepage

Page for Selecting Reviewers

Editor’s Active Submissions Table

A Submission’s Review Page (detail)

Queen’s Journals

OJS Customizations  Examples on the OJS web site of interesting journal customizations and configurations: Blake / An Illustrated Quarterly Critical Studies in Improvisation Byzantina Symmeikta

Summary  Open Journal Systems provides a modern online presence for electronic journals.  Its slick, customizable interface is easy to navigate and a pleasure to use.  Created with the non-technical user in mind, OJS allows for very rapid development and deployment without the worry of creating databases and programming interfaces.  One simply needs to decide on a colour scheme/ design, upload some data, and the OJS software automatically displays and indexes articles and issues.

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