Serving Sociologists | Advancing Sociology | Promoting Sociology to Society Geolocation
Serving Sociologists | Advancing Sociology | Promoting Sociology to Society Geolocation Determining your geographic position of a person, place or thing. – In the internet era, this involves computers, routers, tablets, smartphones and GPS based systems
Serving Sociologists | Advancing Sociology | Promoting Sociology to Society How Geolocation is Determined GPS (common in smartphones) IP Address (can me a little off as the location returned could be a proxy server, firewall, etc) WiFi – positions uses one or more Wifi access points to triangulate your location Cell Phone – older models may use cell phone towers
Serving Sociologists | Advancing Sociology | Promoting Sociology to Society Geocoding Geocoding – converting addresses into geocordinates Reverse Geocoding – getting an address from geocoordinates
Serving Sociologists | Advancing Sociology | Promoting Sociology to Society Mobile Applications Yelp was first on the scene in – First social media to connect businesses with people Google Latitude – Uses google maps to find your friends (if they allow it) Checkins (Gowalla, Foursquare, Facebook Places)
Serving Sociologists | Advancing Sociology | Promoting Sociology to Society Things you can do with Geolocation Geomarketing – using an ip address to customize results – Google for searches – Facebook for advertising – Text messaging to deliver store advertisements when you are out driving Crowdsourcing – Yelp puts tips and reviews in database, marketing depts shape advertisements around this
Serving Sociologists | Advancing Sociology | Promoting Sociology to Society Automatic Checkins s Checking-in is expected to become automatic in the future – May get a warning on your phone
Serving Sociologists | Advancing Sociology | Promoting Sociology to Society Geotagging Adding geospatial metadata to photographs, videos, text messages, tweets and webpages – Twitter – Flickr
Serving Sociologists | Advancing Sociology | Promoting Sociology to Society Geo-applications Safety-tracking for children – Devices to monitor your child’s location Taxi-service – Send your location to a taxi-service & they send the nearest available taxi
Serving Sociologists | Advancing Sociology | Promoting Sociology to Society Geolocation Examples Map of recent earthquakes around the world.earthquakes Crisis in Darfur Appalachian Mountaintop Removal Tour Google Moon Google Mars
Serving Sociologists | Advancing Sociology | Promoting Sociology to Society Privacy Social media companies must answer questions like: should a users location be made private like a bank account How do you share data between users Concept of privacy different for those born after 1990 Geotagging is a concern as it can make private information (your home address public)
Serving Sociologists | Advancing Sociology | Promoting Sociology to Society You can make a map! Google Fusion TablesFusion Tables Google MyPlacesMyPlaces