Marketing and Outreach: The Arctic Theme Page and Arctic Change Detection Nancy Soreide NOAA/PMEL May 17-18, Boulder, CO “… combining the interests of the scientific community … with those of the computer science and engineering community to create integrated, tool-oriented computing and communication systems… ” National Research Council
NOAA Strategic Plan Successful, theme-based web pages support NOAA’s mission strategy: “Engage, advise, and inform individuals, partners, communities, and industries to facilitate information flow, assure coordination and cooperation, and provide assistance in the use, evaluation, and application of information” * Websites that present NOAA science, data, analysis and information in a manner that is clear, scientifically validated, useful, interesting and intelligible by a broad audience support NOAA in promoting the “increased use and effectiveness of climate information for decision makers and managers” * * NOAA Strategic Plan for FY2003 – FY2008 and Beyond
Data Quality Act Congress has directed OMB to issue government-wide guidelines for: “ensuring and maximizing the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of information disseminated by Federal agencies …" * * Section 515(a) of the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2001
Communicating Arctic Information The Arctic Theme Page A Comprehensive Resource
Photographs Maps Animals Ships Northern Lights Exploration Data Climate indices Educational links Environment Pollution Archaeology Native Peoples Forecasts Climate programs Expert Essays Comprehensive Information Resource The Arctic Theme Page
Expert Essays on key Arctic issues How do scientists study climate change? Nick Bond Are environmental changes impacting Alaska Natives? Caleb Pungowiyi UVB radiation: Threat to the Arctic? Betsy Weatherhead How does Arctic sea ice form and decay? Peter Wadhams How has sea ice volume changed? Norbert Untersteiner Is sea level affected by changes in Arctic land ice? Roger Barry What long term trends are seen in the Arctic atmosphere? John Walsh Is mercury a significant contaminant? Steve Lindberg/Steve Brooks What organisms thrive in Arctic sea ice? Christopher Krebs/Jody Deming Is there life on the Arctic sea floor? Peter Vogt Arctic Wolves and their prey David Mech What’s happening to Polar Bears? Scott Schliebe The puzzling Arctic summer of 2003 – Norbert Untersteiner The Arctic Theme Page
Integrated NOAA Arctic Web Presence Integrates all NOAA’s Arctic-related activities –Arctic Theme Page –Arctic Research Activities Climate research Ecosystem research Arctic Research Office The Arctic Theme Page
NOAA Arctic Research Activities The Arctic Theme Page
NOAA Arctic Research Office The Arctic Theme Page
NOAA’s Climate Research Activities The Arctic Theme Page
NOAA’s North Pole Web Cam Deployed April 30, 2004
NOAA SEARCH The Arctic Theme Page
NOAA SEARCH The Arctic Theme Page
NOAA’s Ecosystem Research Activities The Arctic Theme Page
Impact hits/day Science magazine, USA Today, Yahoo, Scientific American Ranks #1 or #2 on Google search Significant NOAA Web Presence The Arctic Theme Page
Arctic Change Detection Purpose –Increase Issue Awareness, Inform Dialogue, Support Decision Making User Community –Leaders and Residents of Circumpolar Nations and Communities, Industries/Decision Makers/Climate Scientists, Public and Educational Communities
Arctic Change Detection Addresses core Arctic issues (ACIA Report) –Relevant, effective, reliable, understandable, objective Information –Information that Users can Relate to –Narrative Style –Issues relate to Benefits, Risks
Expert evaluation of current and credible information from expert sources Multi-year, multi- government effort effort by hundreds of scientists Identified key issues Synthesized 1500 page report into 10 key findings Draft report finalized in November 2004 ACIA Report
Converted the ACIA ten key findings into six core issues Here are the first four Arctic Change Indicators
Here are the last two core issues Arctic Change Indicators
Detailed Information on Individual Indicator
Historical Indicator Time Series provide perspective
Detailed Information on each Historical Indicator Time Series
Summary NOAA has a significant, integrated Arctic Web presence –Arctic Theme Page –Integrated ARO, NOAA Climate and Ecosystem Research Activities, NOAA SEARCH Future Products –Arctic Change Detection –Animated Arctic Story