Colorado River Simulation System (CRSS) Salinity Projection Model October 20, 2004 Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Advisory Council
Issues Addressed The model did not accurately simulate the historical period Problems Identified: –Changing natural flow and salt mass relationship –Input data inconsistent –Limited and out-of-date documentation
Our Solutions Develop a new natural salt model Re-compute natural flow Direct new research to better understand salt loading resulting from irrigating agriculture Complete peer reviews with journal articles and supporting documentation Prepare to move model input data to a secure database Involve States during entire process
Peer Reviews Article describing new salt model accepted in a peer reviewed scientific journal ( ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering) CU&L data reviewed and revised by UC Regional office Methods to distribute CU&L for computation of natural flow reviewed by UC Regional office Methods to compute natural flow and salt reviewed by UC/LC modeling team CRSS Salinity Projection model reviewed by the UC/LC modeling team
Publications “Statistical Nonparametric Model for Natural Salt Estimation,” ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, to be published January “Draft Upper Basin Consumptive Uses and Losses Report as Revised After Peer Review ” “Upper Colorado River Consumptive Use Determination at CRSS Natural Flow Node Locations CY ” “Natural Flow And Salt Computation Methods ”
Concluding Remarks Reclamation has a working model that we have confidence in and can support New salt model can easily be updated New methods and data in CRSS Salinity Projection Model fully supported with documentation Reclamation has begun reviewing CRSS Salinity Projection Model runs with Salinity Forum TMS Future research targeted to address upcoming issues
Colorado River Simulation System (CRSS) Salinity Projection Model For further information: