Grade 11 Research Paper Introduction
The Assignment Worth 400 points (4 test grades) Points will split between terms 3 and 4 All homework is devoted to paper Most class work is devoted to paper Keep track of assignments and deadlines with checklist and calendar
Must use at least 5 reputable sources Avoid plagiarism Final paper will be 4-6 pages ROUGH DRAFT DUE: April 10 th FINAL PAPER DUE: April 25 th The Assignment
Step 1: Choose a Topic Choose one section, based on a broad topic, from Part III of Elements of Argument. ◦ Read all essays in your chosen section. ◦ At the end of each section, there is a list of possible research topics. Choose how you will narrow your focus ◦ Remember, for your research paper, you will write an argumentative claim.
Step 2: Write A Proposal Indicate your topic Choose your side: Pro or con? Brainstorm 5 main points that substantiate your side Formulate your paper’s thesis: What is the main point that I am making in this paper? DUE: Thursday, March 22 nd
Step 3: Research your Topic Library Research Introduction ◦ CP: Thursday 3/22 ◦ Honors: Friday 3/23 At least one source from EoA packet Acceptable sources: Reputable books, documentaries, interviews, newspapers, journals, online sources Homework 3/22-3/28
Step 4: Annotated Bibliography Choose 5 sources: At least one EoA and one print (book, newspaper, journal) source Provide the correct MLA citation Provide a 200 word summary answering: ◦ What does this source argue? ◦ How will I use this source in my argument? ◦ What
Step 4: Note Cards
Note Card #1: Citation Source # 1 FULL MLA CITATION (INTERNAL QUOTE)
Note Cards #2,3: Paraphrase
Note Cards #4: Useful Quotes
Note Cards # 5: Summary