Hi! You need: Pencil/pen Synthesis draft Journal(10/29/14): A doctor in Chambersburg, PA has dual citizenship between the US and India. ….Mrs. Matheny will explain the rest. D,C,Q: A person’s responsibility to their family is more important than a person’s responsibility to their employer.
Agenda: Journal: Indian Doctor Synthesis o Peer Review & Edit o EDIT FOR EFFECT How can this be the BEST paper you’ve ever read? FIELD TRIP MONEY DUE NEXT WEDNESDAY! Homework: o Synthesis Draft 2 + Journal Explode = Friday o FOUR DAY WEEKEND! When you leave you will have: -analyzed the use of rhetoric in a peer’s synthesis essay.
Monday 10/27: “Doubts About Doublespeak” Tuesday 10/28: timed-writing: synthesis Wednesday 10/29: Synthesis Draft 1 due/workshop day Thursday 10/30: Synthesis work day Friday 10/31: j’xplode due, Synthesis Draft 2 due, Quarter reflection, End of MP Monday 11/3, Tuesday 11/4: No School Wednesday 11/5: Unit 2: Social Injustice
Hi! You need: Pencil/pen Notebook paper Rhetoric stuff Journal(10/27/14): Some people argue that corporate partnerships are for cash-strapped schools. Others argue that schools should provide an environment free from ads and corporate influence. Evaluate the pros and cons of corporate sponsorship for schools and indicate why.
Agenda: Warm Up: Corporate Sponsorships Notes: Thesis Statements o Good, Bad, Ugly o Write a thesis statement about your Argument Paper topic o What kind of evidence will help your argument? Pathos, ethos, logos Learning Log: Write your thesis! Homework: Finish your outline. o Last day to turn in late work is Wednesday! o Library Tuesday AND Wednesday. o Draft #1 due Friday When you leave you will have: -generated thesis statements for an argumentative paper.