Pragmatic Argument Supports or rejects course of action based on its consequences. Tests: Are the predicted consequences likely? Is the action better than another? Does the proposed action violate an important principle?
Argument from Principle Supports or rejects course of action based on principle or value. Tests: Is the principle relevant to this issue? Is the principle affirmed or violated by the proposed action? Do other considerations outweigh the principle?
Argument from Quantity Supports actions based on abundance or longevity. Tests: Has the quantity claim been established? Are other considerations more important than quantity?
Argument from Quality Supports actions based on closeness to perfection. Tests: Has the quality actually present? Is the quality more clearly represented elsewhere? Do other concerns outweigh quality?
Loci of Essential Nature Actions should be guided by the true nature of the beings in question. Types or argument: Genetic: Origins reveal nature Intent: Original intent of authors Function: Essential purpose of entity Person/act: Essential nature of person revealed by behaviors Inconsistency: Essential defect of character.
Tests of Essential Nature Does origin reveal essence? Should intent govern action in this case? How is function being derived? Is the origin, intent, function, or behavior accurately described? Do other considerations outweigh origin, intent, or function? Can inconsistency be explained?
Exercise A1 Argument from function How is function being derived? Do other considerations outweigh function?
Exercise A3 Genetic Argument Does origin reveal essence? Is present meaning more important?
Exercise A5 Person/Act Argument Are actions interpreted correctly? Are other actions consistent?
Exercise A7 Argument from intent Is intent represented accurately? Do current considerations outweigh intent?
Exercise A9 Argument from function Is function accurately described? Should function change?
Exercise B (1) Argument has elements of both function and intent (3) How important were his alleged ties to the Mafia in relation to his character? (5) Form (7) Essentially function, because argument says “can’t” work, not “shouldn’t.”
Exercise C (1) Function (3) Genetic (5) Genetic (7) Function
Exercise D (1) Pragmatic (3) Pragmatic (5) Quality (7) Pragmatic (9) Pragmatic (11) Pro—Quantity and pragmatic Con—Principle