Using LIRN® Guide Click here to continue. Click here to exit. Click here to go to the Table of Contents.


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Presentation transcript:

Using LIRN® Guide Click here to continue. Click here to exit. Click here to go to the Table of Contents.

1.Accessing LIRN®Accessing LIRN® 2.Using LIRNSearch®Using LIRNSearch® 3.Using INFOTRACUsing INFOTRAC 4.Using ProQuestUsing ProQuest 5.Using eLibraryUsing eLibrary 6.Using Credo ReferenceUsing Credo Reference 7.Using Bowker’s Books in PrintUsing Bowker’s Books in Print 8.Using Resources for College LibrariesUsing Resources for College Libraries Table of Contents Click a topic to begin Click here to go back. You may resize this window at any time to follow along.

Accessing LIRN®

In your web browser enter the following address into the address box: “

Next, click on “Member Database Access” to enter the authorization page.

At the box at the bottom of the page you will enter your campus access code as supplied by your librarian. Next, click “Submit”.

The LIRN® portal page for your campus will appear with a list of available resources.

Using LIRNSearch®

Click on “Connect to LIRNSearch®”.

LIRNSearch® allows you to search for content from across all databases to which your campus is subscribed.

Here is an example search:  Type “pixel” in the search box.  Next, select “Subject” in the box to the right.  Under “Search Sources” below, select “Computers”.  Click “Go”.

After a brief moment, the results will populate the page. On the left of the page you will be able to control the display of the results as well as filter them. When you find an article you wish to read, simply click on the title.

A new window opens displaying the article selected.

When you are finished working on the article, close the article window to return to LIRNSearch®. Then use the back button in your web browser to return to the LIRN® portal page. This way you don’t have to log in again.


Click “Connect to InfoTrac”.

InfoTrac is a full-text digital archive containing hundreds of thousands of academic journals, magazines and other media. This is the main InfoTrac page with a list of databases available. At the top of the page are instructions on how to search through the databases.

From the main InfoTrac page, scroll down through the collection to “Computer Database” and click on it.

This is the search page for Computer Database. Below the main search box are options that allow you to choose only documents with full text as well as documents with images and documents that have been peer-reviewed. To search:  Type “pixel” into the main search box  Click “search”.

A list of articles appears: click on the title of one to view it.

Once you have found an article, you have several choices. You can:  Read the article on line.  Print the article.  the article to yourself or someone else.  Save the article in favorites for future reference or ing. In this instance you can also click on “View PDF pages” in the right box to see the original scan. You will need a PDF program installed on our computer for this.

To move from one resource to another, use the back button in your web browser to return to the main portal page.


Click on “Connect to ProQuest”.

ProQuest is a massive full-text digital archive of newspapers, periodicals, dissertations and other media. Which databases are available depends on your subscription. Check with your librarian for your campus collection content. Below the main search box is a dropdown list that will allow you to choose which collections you wish to search. There are also options to specify articles within a certain date or limit results to articles with only full text or journals.

To search:  Type “new york times” into the search box.  Select “News – National Newspaper Abstracts” in the Database selection box.  Select “Full text documents only”.  Click Search.

A list of articles appears. At the bottom of each item is text that explains the contents of the article. In this case the article contains full text. Some articles also have a PDF scan of the original document. Click on the title to view the article.

Once you find an article, you have several choices. You can:  Read the article on line.  Print the article.  the article to yourself or someone else. In some cases you can also click on “View PDF pages” in the right box to see the original scan. You will need a PDF program installed on your computer to do this.


Click on “Connect to eLibrary”.

eLibrary is a collection of periodicals, reference material, maps, pictures, newspapers and other media. Below the search box, you have the option to select the type of media for which you are searching, or you can search through all media. To search:  Type “pixel” into the search box.  Click “Search”.

The results page appears, on the left you have options to organize the results. Click on the title of an article you wish to read.

Here is a selected article. Above the article are a few options for printing or ing.


Click on “Connect to Credo Reference”.

Credo Reference is a collection of general reference materials: such as, encyclopedias and thesauruses. To the right of the search box is a list where you can select a specific subject to search under. To search:  Type “pixel” into the “search for” box.  Select “all subjects” in the “subjects” box.  Click “search”.

The results page appears. On the left is a section that allows you to narrow you search by subject and other criteria. To the right is the list of results that includes the name of the source as well as a summary and sometimes a graphic from the article. At the top of the list is a menu that allows you to sort your results. Click on the first entry.

Here is a selected article. To the right are a few options for printing or ing.

UsingBowker’s Books in Print

Click on “Connect to Books in Print”.

Bowker’s Books in Print Professional is a reference used in locating books and publications by Title, Author, and Publisher. It is not the full-text publication itself but merely the information on where to locate the book or publication. To find a book:  Type “pixel” into the first “Search For” box.  Click “Search”.

A list of books containing the keyword “pixel” in the title appear. Below each entry is critical information about the book; such as, author, publisher, ISBN and date of publication. Click on the title for more information.

More detailed information about the book appears including a synopsis at the bottom. Above this information are options for printing, ing and options to help you find where to obtain the book.

UsingResources For College Libraries

Click on “Connect to RCL”.

Resources for College Libraries is a reference used in locating books and publications related to a specific classification by Title, Author, and Publisher. It is not the full-text publication itself but merely the information on where to locate the book or publication. To find a book:  Type “pixel” into the “Quick Search” box.  Click “Search Now”.

A list of books containing the keyword “pixel” appear. Below each entry is critical information about the book such as author, publisher, ISBN and date of publication. Click on the title for more information.

More detailed information about the book appears including a synopsis at the bottom. Above this information are options for printing, ing and options to help you find where to obtain the book.

Thank you for Using LIRN®! We hope that you find this information useful. Click here to exit. Created by Mark Wilson / Douglas Devaux, LIRN® Office (727)