Attempts to improve Post Harvest Management of Rice in Delta WHH & GRET LIFT Workshop - Yangon - 29 November 2012
Overall approach To improve post harvest management in Delta, WHH and GRET intervention at different levels: – Spreading comprehensive technical knowledge in reducing post harvest loss through Farmers Field Schools process – Providing access to facilities regarding better management in harvesting and storage of paddy at village level – Improving linkages with technical institutes and service providers
On Quality Seed Production GRET and WHH projects intend at supporting good quality paddy seed production and storage. Dedicated technical support has been provided to 255 (GRET 135, WHH 120) local seed growers including individual technical guidance follow up and collective extension activities Besides, it was also decided to provide different low cost and improved post harvest management facilities (storage, seed drying kits). The objective is to enhance production and preservation / storage of good quality seeds, and make them available timely.
List of processing and stotage facilities provided to farmers, GRET Sr.No.Particularsunit Numbe rTarget Group 1Silonb75Seed Grower 2Air tight bagsnb1500Seed Grower 3Air tight bagsnb4440Contact farmers 4PVC bagsnb1500Seed Grower 5Air tight bagsnb4440Contact farmers 6Tarpaulin (18'x24')nb75Seed Grower 7Green Sieve net (6'x90')nb75Seed Grower 8Thresher (LIFT)nb25Machinery groups 9Thresher (FAO)nb27Machinery groups 10Thresher (DE)nb10Machinery groups
List of processing and stotage facilities provided to farmers, WHH Sr.N o.ParticularsunitNumberTarget Group 1Seed Storenb26Rice Bank 2Green Sieve Netpackage110 Seed Growers, Key Farmers 3Air tight bagsnb Threshers (throw-in type) FAOnb24Machinery Groups 5Metal silo (500 kg)nb18Seed Banks 6Metal silo (500 kg)nb58Seed Banks 7 Threshers (throw-in type) LIFT 1nb16Machinery Groups 8Air tight bagsnb300 Seed Growers, Key Farmers 9Tarpaulinyards farmers 10Green Sieve Netrolls12261 farmers 11Air tight bagsnb202 farmers 12PVC bagsnb1809 farmers
Dissemination strategy for seed storage The main strategy followed in order to disseminate such new facilities can be summed up in 3 steps: Identification of low cost technologies / innovations, Test (at project level) and confirmation of appropriateness and impact (at contact farmer level), Facilitation of linkages between private sector (blacksmith for silo, Companies for air tight bags…) and farmers for accessing such facilities
1. Identification GRET has decided to test 2 main facilities with different objectives and target population: 1.Household Metal seed silo (capacity of 25 baskets) 2.Air tight bags© (capacity of 2 baskets)
Household Metal silo Technical Facts and Manual for silo making is provided by FAO
Selection of size of the silo height= 4 ft diameter (d)= 3.5 ft, so radius (r) = 1.75 ft Then… cu ft= r ² h = cu ft capacity in gallon = x = gallons capacity in basket = / 9 = baskets (need 20' x 4 ' metal sheet with 0.5 mm thickness)
Identification of Air Tight Bags© Air tight bags© have been developed by Pioneer Post Harvest Development Group and are based on the same IRRI design (commercialized by GrainPro company under the name of Super Bags© from the Philippines). On the 10 th of March 2010, a seminar on private sector initiatives in development of postharvest technology in Myanmar was organized by the FSWG along with support from GRET. Such workshop enabled GRET to assess the seriousness and the reliability of the storage facilities presented by Pioneer PHD Group. Taking into consideration local availability, low cost and appropriateness criteria, PPHD have been selected over GrainPro. Cost price for GrainPro bag= 2 USD per air tight bag + import cost Cost price for PPHD bag = 750 MMK per air tight bag MMK per vinyl bag to cover with logos printed as we demanded
Seed stored in Air tight bags©
2 A.Test (at project level) of appropriateness and impact It has been decided by the project to compare the effectiveness and the impact of improved storage facilities over the rainy season Thee Dat Yin paddy seeds harvested in 2009 RS were collected from same farmer and sun dried uniformly to reach 13% moisture.
Then, the paddy seeds were kept in different storage facilities as follows; 3 baskets in a local type small bamboo bin covered with mud copying conventional practice 1.5 baskets in a vinyl bag as conventional ways 1.5 baskets in an Air Tight Bag by PPHD group Date of storage= 08 th of July 2010 Moisture % of seed= 13.2% Date of opening storage and germination tests= 18 th of November 2010
3 different storage types (8 July 2010)
Getting seed sample from different storages ( 18 November 2010)
Test of grain moisture and seed germination
The results are shown in the table below: Seeds kept in bamboo binSeed kept in vinyl bag Seeds kept in hermetic bag (air tight bag) Moisture content on the 8 th July % Moisture content on the 18 th November %15.8%13.4% Germination test started at 18 th November % after 3 days (< 30% after 1 week) 55% after 3 days (90% after 1 week) Seeds kept in bamboo bin Seed kept in vinyl bag Seeds kept in hermetic bag (air tight bag) Moisture content on the 19 th January %14.9%12.8% Germination test started at 19 th January 0% (< 15% after 1 week) 0% (< 20% after 1 week) 97% after 1 week
Silo distribution
Farmers are provided also with booklet on Seed production and Post Harvest Management
Early Responses from the farmers Harvest of Thee Dat Yin were put into silos in early November by some farmers. There are condensation formed at the top of silo. Drying and air cooling after drying is necessary to avoid condensation. Most of the Thee Dat Yin seed were sold in short time for summer rice. Only seed for own use were stored in silo. They feel safe with their seed kept in silo. Most of the seed harvested from medium term rice were still in the process of threshing and drying in December. It has been observed that the air tight bags were untouched by rodents compared to storage in PVC bags in random. It could be that the Air Tight bags prevent the rodent to smell the paddy grains. Feedback after 2 seasons by user farmers and seed growers…
3.Facilitation of linkages between private sector (blacksmith for silo, Companies for air tight bags…) and farmers In case feedbacks from farmers show a very positive answer, the way forward would be to facilitate linkages between private sector and interested farmers. The project did not reach yet this stage but is already working toward this direction. We have local blacksmiths who have gained experience in making household metal silo. Some farmers started to inquire the cost of silo and place to order for their own use. PPHD is in line of producing Air Tight Bags© to respond orders.
WHH trained to local tinsmiths from different villages.
Local Tinsmith learns to make silo
Thank you for your attention
Role of the Seed Growers and key farmers
Raising improved nursery beds
Transplanting in SRI tradition
Monitoring and technical back up from the project
Farmers Exchange Visits Seed Growers and Farmers from GRET and WHH
Preparation for quality seed production and dissemination in next season
Thank You for attention