CAPS, COPS & COPES 14 Career Clusters
What do they test? Caps – Abilities Cops – Interests Copes – Values
Science Professional Planning & conducting research Collecting & applying knowledge in related fields of math, medical, life & physical sciences Bachelors + degree Some Occupations Anesthesiologist Marine Biologist Doctor Ecologist Veterinarian Statistician Geologist Meteorologist
Science Skilled Assist in lab research by observing & classifying facts and applying info to fields of science Technical or 2-year degree Some Occupations Dental Hygientist Lab tech Respiratory therapist Chemical plan operator Pharmacy tech Surveying tech
Technology Professional Involve responsibility for engineering & structural design in manufacture, construction or transportation Bachelors + degree Some Occupations Pilot Computer Tech Specialist Radio/TV Director Engineers
Technology Skilled Working w/ hands in a skilled trade Tech School Some Occupations Construction Electrician Computer Service Tech Heating & cooling Mechanic
Consumer Economics Preparation of foods, clothing, textiles Degree varies Some Occupations Chef Dietitian Tailor/alterations Furniture refinisher
Outdoor Growing & tending to plants, animals, crops and natural resources Degrees vary Possible Occupations Farming Animal trainer/caretaker Game warden Landscape gardener
Business Professional High responsibility in organization and administration Bachelors + degree Possible Occupations Accountant Financial manager Managers Human Resources Politics
Business Skilled Involve sales, promotion and marketing Tech or 2-year college Possible Occupations Junior accountant Claim adjuster Credit reporter Loan Officer Administrative Assistant Real estate agent Salesperson
Clerical Involve recording, posting and filing of business records Requires detail and accuracy Tech or 2-year college Possible Occupations Cashier/checker Teller Secretary Data entry Payroll clerk Medical transcriptionist Hotel clerk
Communication Involve language skill Create or interpret literature Written and oral communication of knowledge and ideas Bachelors Some Occupations Editor Writer Legal assistant Librarian Reporter Translator Judge Lawyer
Arts Professional Individualized expression of creative or musical talent Bachelor + degree Some Occupations Actor Composer Architect Clothing designer Dance instructor
Arts Skilled Application of artistic skill in fields of photography, graphic arts and design Tech or 2 year degree Possible Occupations Advertising designer Graphic arts designer Sign painter AV specialist Photographer Web designer
Service Professional Involve positions of high responsibility in caring for personal needs and welfare of others in social service, health or education Bachelors + degree Possible Occupations Athletic director/trainer Occupational therapist Psychologist Teacher Counselor Optometrist Pediatrician Psychiatrist Police Inspector
Service Skilled Providing services to persons in personal service, social, health, protection and transportation Tech or 2-year college Possible Occupations Flight attendant Janitor Makeup artist Travel agent Bus driver Correctional officer Police officer Cosmetologist