Successful Practices Network An Update with the CTE Technical Assistance Center of NY NYSTEEA 2015 Carol Zygo, Field Team Associate Central and Northern NY 1
Successful Practices Network NYS Career and Technical Education Advancing New York State Career & Technical Education: Quality, Access, Delivery New York Career and Technical Education is committed to providing high- quality CTE opportunities for all students. New York State’s CTE delivery system consists of over 1,100 CTE providers, serving over one million students in school districts, BOCES, and postsecondary institutions. CTE studies are organized in New York in the following content areas: Agricultural education Business & Marketing education Family & Consumer Sciences education Health Occupations education Technology education Trade, Technical & Industrial education The NYSED CTE team also oversees activities in Perkins grant administration, Civil Rights, Workplace Learning,Civil Rights and Driver Education. 2
Successful Practices Network What is CTE TAC? Operates under a contract from NYSED Increases SED’s capacity to serve, support and expand CTE Center and field-based staff provide service throughout NYS 3
Successful Practices Network Our Services and Resources Are !! Free !! To Educators and Schools throughout NYS 4
Successful Practices Network Our Work Focuses on: CTE Data Collection Standards Integration Networking Student leadership and business development Best Practices Program Approval 5
Successful Practices Network Where have we been? What it means to you
Successful Practices Network Promoting CTE Exhibits and/or presentations NYSSBA School Counselors SAANYS NYSCOSS Rural Schools Association Professional Organizations 8
Successful Practices Network Providing Professional Development Online or on-site Topics Engineering by Design College and Career Readiness Work Based Learning Experience Applied Academics Program Approval Audiences: –Teachers – CTE and General Ed –Administrators –Students – CTSOs motivational –School Counselors –Business and Industry/Advisory Councils 9
Successful Practices Network Approved Program Reviews Reviewed approximately 50 programs over 3 years – 7 this year BOCES and LEAs Randomly selected programs – both the school and content Help to get to the next level Best practices Work experiences - challenges 10
Successful Practices Network Build Networks and Support Professional Organizations –Annual Meetings –Speaking with a common voice –2016 CTE Conference Advocacy--Peter Carr, CTE Advocate –Attends NYSACTE meetings –Represents CTE with the Bd. Of Regents –Keeps CTE organizations apprised 11
Successful Practices Network Coming Soon: Summer 2015 GEOMETRY IN CONSTRUCTION At this workshop you get the entire curriculum: math problems, lesson plans, and activities. Receive ongoing coaching and support Improve state standardized test scores Increase employability skills of students Build a home with students or use other capstone projects Gain access to the Teacher Toolkit, an online video series showing how the key activities of the class are conducted 12
Successful Practices Network You will find us at: 13
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Successful Practices Network
Successful Practices Network Career and Technical Education Pathway Blue Ribbon Commission Recommendations 1.The ProStart National Certificate of Achievement –National program that is administered by the National Restaurant Association’s Education Foundation. 2.ASE Student Certification –The National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) administers a set of examinations to qualify automotive technicians. 3.A+ Certification –CompTIA was created by a consortium of IT corporations including Microsoft, HP, Cisco, Dell, and Intel to certify technicians. 4.Network+ Certification –Passing A+ is a pre-requisite for taking Network+, also from CompTIA. Students who pass are qualified for IT employment in positions such as network administrator, network technician, network installer, help desk technician, and IT cable installer. 5.National Institute of Metal Working (NIMS) Skills Certification –Industry-written and industry-validated, and subject to regular, periodic reviews under the procedures accredited and audited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). 18
Successful Practices Network CTE Pathway (continued) 6.PrintED –Based on industry standards for graphic communications courses of study at the secondary and post-secondary levels, PrintED is a national accreditation program created by the Graphic Arts Education and Research Foundation. 7.Student Electronics Technician –The SET Certification was developed by the Electronic Technicians Association (ETA) for high school students and entry-level technicians. 8.Carpentry Level-1 Certification –This is one of many certifications sponsored by the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER). 9.Assessment of Skills and Knowledge for Business (A*S*K) –This set of examinations was developed by the Assessment of Skills and Knowledge for Business Institute with technical assistance from NOCTI. DRAFT – FOR DISCUSSION ONLY 19
Successful Practices Network CTE Pathway (continued) 10.Advertising and Design (NOCTI) –This test is designed for program completers and entry-level employees in the advertising and design field, measuring knowledge and skills in such topics as design theory and application, color theory and application, drawing and digital illustration, photography, typography, multimedia, digital image manipulation, production and printing, computer literacy, and communication skills. 11.Accounting – Basic (NOCTI) –This test is designed for program completers and entry-level employees in the accounting/bookkeeping field, measuring knowledge and skills in such topics as general accounting knowledge, journalizing, posting, payroll preparation, cash and banking procedures, merchandise inventory, completion of accounting cycle, identification and application of source data, use of mechanical and electronic accounting devices, and data security. 20
Successful Practices Network CTE Pathway (continued) 12.Agricultural Mechanics (NOCTI) This test is designed for program completers and entry-level employees in the agricultural mechanics field, measuring knowledge and skills in such topics as general safety, welding and mechanics, power and machinery, electrical power and process, agricultural structures, agribusiness, and environmental and natural resource systems. 13.Hospitality Management – Food and Beverage (NOCTI) This test is designed for program completers and entry-level employees in the hotel management field, measuring knowledge and skills in such topics as understanding of the hospitality industry, guest relations and concierge duties, opening and settling financial transactions, safety and security, legal and ethical responsibilities, marketing and sales, travel and tourism, hotel restaurant management, and food and beverage service. 21
Successful Practices Network
Successful Practices Network 16 Career Clusters ® Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Architecture & Construction Arts, A/V Technology & Communications Business Management & Administration Education & Training Finance Government & Public Administration Health Science Hospitality & Tourism Human Services Information Technology Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Manufacturing Marketing Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
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Successful Practices Network
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Successful Practices Network Where are We Going? Looking toward refunding Updating our website Featuring Best Practices Additional Professional Development Tools Continued work with the CTE professional orgs. Lexile Study Multiple Pathways 29
Successful Practices Network Contact Us Career and Technical Education Technical Assistance Center of NY Carol Zygo