A job of my dream Student: Anatoly Shatilov Moscow State College of Electromechanics and Information Technologies
My dream is to become a programmer. To claim my goal, my dream, I am studying at Moscow State College of Electromechanics and Information Technologies. I want to be not just a mere programmer. I want to be a IT specialist, especially in programming.
My future profession is related to information technologies. In future I will be a computer programmer. Programming is the process of preparing a set of coded instructions which enables the computer to solve specific problems or to perform specific functions. However it is not enough just to be able to write programs.
Programmer must be able not only to write programs, but also to flash firmware, to configure hardware, to set up network, etc. If programmer can only write programs, he is useless because he cannot do anything if there is occurred error in hardware or software.
In addition he must be able to set up LAN (Local Area Network), to set up a network printer, several servers, etc. Note: this cable is needed to configure network devices like CISCO, MicroTik, etc.
Professional programmer should be able to repair his computer as it is his tool. Computer composed of following parts:
Motherboard is the main circuit board of the computer and is also known as the mainboard or logic board. If you open your computer, the biggest piece of silicon you see is the motherboard. You will find inside the other devices attached to the motherboard. They are mentioned below. This is a power supply for computer.
CPU (Central Processing Unit) is “brain” of computer that performs calculations. GPU (Graphic Processing Unit) is “imagination” of computer that can draw a beautiful picture on your monitor. Did you mentioned pictures on sides? They were rendered with huge help of GPU. RAM (Random Access Memory) is fast memory of computer’s “brain”. Nowadays its speed greater than the speed of any storage media devices – that’s why there is still no device that works without RAM. Exception is devices that have enough memory in processor itself.
HDD or SSD (Hard Drive Disc or Solid State Disc) are media storage devices. You can store any of your data like audio, video, photos, programs, documents. Sometimes you can find a network adapters in old computers. They are separately attached devices (PCI- cards in general) which allow to connect your computer to local area network. And, of course, there are input and output devices such as monitor, keyboard, mouse, optical drive, printer, ect.
While writing a code for your future program it must be not only correct but also be easy readable by human. Even if a person just familiar with programming he can easily read the program's source code if code was correctly composed. “The Art of Programming” is to write complicated code that can be easy readable and modified.
Every year famous IT companies organize complicated contests for programmers where main prize is to join them. That happens because modern IT industry lacks for good specialists. It costs too much to hold big group of IT programmers, who educated enough in their official profession but not in IT in general. I am looking forward to become more than a regular programmer. I want to be if not It scientist then IT specialist.
Thanks for your attention! Mouse C: