Welcome to La Ca n ada High School 7/8 Home of the Spartans PrincipalMr. Ryan Zerbel 7 th Grade CounselorMs. Allison Dalbeck 8 th Grade CounselorMrs. Shannon Brascia
A Focus on Student Support and Learning 7/8 Tradition of Nurturing Support Positive transition from Elementary School Same Counselor for both years Focus on character development Frequent home/school communication Appropriate behavior, dress code, attendance Parental support and involvement opportunities Emphasis on Academic Excellence Small School Model Teachers subject matter specific Parent/teacher academic counsel Pinnacle grade monitoring counselors
The 7-12 Campus Clearly defined 7/8 school culture Activities developmentally appropriate for 7/8 students Separate classroom facilities/IRC Parking and campus cleanliness 7/8 only lunch Access to a variety of electives Physical Education classes grade specific 7/8 building Science Labs
7/8 L U N C H
Electives French Korean Spanish Photoshop/Ceramics Band 7/8 Intro to Computer Programming Exploratory A: Study Skills, Keyboarding, Music, Photoshop Speech and Debate/Drama and Video Production Money Matters Graphic Arts/Web Design Drama 8 Girl’s Ensemble 7/8 Orchestra 7-12 Men’s Chorus 7-12 Yearbook 7/8
Physical Education Locker rooms P.E. clothes
7 th Grade Core Classes and Textbooks English 7 Language of Literature, McDougal Littell Social Science 7 Medieval & Early Modern Times McGraw Hill Glencoe Pre-Algebra Prentice Hall Science Focus on Life Science Prentice Hall Physical Education 7
Daily and Block Schedule School begins at 7:50 a.m. (unless enrolled in “0” period) Monday, Tuesday, Friday all six periods 56 minutes Wednesday periods 2, 4, 6 for 104 minutes Thursday periods 1, 3, 5 for 104 minutes 6 minute passing periods 16 minute break daily 30 minute lunch Dismissal at 2:41 p.m.
Extra-Curricular Activities Athletics Girls’ & Boys’ Cross Country Girls’ & Boys’ Volleyball Boys’ Flag Football Girls’ & Boys’ Basketball Girls’ La Crosse Girls’ Softball Girls’ & Boys’ Soccer Special Events School Assemblies Magazine Drive Lunch Time Activities Red Ribbon Week Turkey Bowl Anti-Bully Week Basketball Bowl School Dances 7/8 Awards Spirit Weeks Student of the Month Clubs ASB CJSF Aviation Club Builder’s Club Math Counts Spanish Club
7/8 Support Staff Ms. Norman Principal’s Secretary Mrs. Hastings Health Clerk 7 th Grade Counselor Mrs. Brascia 8 th Grade Counselor Ms. Dalbeck Mrs. Tatavosian Attendance Clerk Mr. Ryan Zerbel Principal
Support Programs English Language Development Courses Special Education RSP English, RSP Math, RSP Social Science, Science Support Adaptive PE Directed Studies