Budget Presentation Fixed Expenditures Central Office Budget
Important Items of Note At the end of this process the Board will approve the spending plan for the school district. This spending plan becomes a proposition that will go to the voters on May 18 th.
Important Items of Note The budget does not determine the tax rate. – Based on assessment that changes annually – Tax levy determined by the Board in August – The rate (per $1000) for this school year decreased with a levy of 3%. The approved spending plan along with other revenue determines the needed funds from taxpayers. – State & Federal Aid – Grants for all sources – Donations, Use of Money, and other receipts
Important Items of Note These budget presentations are based on changing information. – State aid runs – Federal aid and grant approvals – Needs of the district (cost of business, programs, etc) – Determinations made by administration and the Board of Education
Mission and Goals The mission of the Morristown Central school district is to prepare all students to confidently and competently pursue their goals and to demonstrate ethical responsibility to the world around them. Fostering an instructional environment that focuses on student need. Integrating technology in a meaningful way to improve student learning. Meeting NYS academic standards at the mastery level.
Goals & Strategic Plan Guidelines Initiate programs and services that are consistent with our mission Initiate programs and services that contribute to our mission Expect potential programs to have a plan for implementation and assessment of effectiveness Not allow negative thinking to interfere with the consideration of new ideas
Today’s Budget Climate January 20, 2010 Current fiscal situation – Governor’s budget calls for a $1.1 reduction in aid – Anticipated cut in aid for and beyond District Direction – Maintain as close to a zero-dollar increase as possible while maintaining focus on mission, goals, and the strategic plan (Contingent budget will be 0% - pending legislative action) Current political environment – Signals from Albany that cuts will happen
Overview of costs that are givens – Contractual Obligations for MTA & CSEA (wages & benefits) – TRS & ERS – Long-term Debt
Overview of costs that are givens – Salaries & Benefits Increases in Wages – MTA 4.5% increase – CSEA 3.5% increase – Administration – TBD Minimal increase in MTA – Breakage – Retirements
Overview of costs that are givens – Salaries & Benefits Anticipated Increases Riders 5&6 Plan C 5% estimated overall FICA based on wages Other Income Includes Workers’ Comp. Master’s credit
Overview of costs that are givens – TRS & ERS
Breakdown of Wages & Benefits
Impact on the budget ExpenditureActual Budget Proposed Change in Budget $Change in Budget % Administration Salaries $ 186,200 $ 209,000 $ 200,155 $ (8,845)-4.2% Instructional Salaries $ 2,036,848 $ 2,125,980 $ 2,134,801 $ 8,8210.0% Non-Instructional Salaries $ 663,761 $ 711,423 $ 724,154 $ 12,7311.8% Total Salaries $ 2,886,809 $ 3,046,403 $ 3,059,110 $ 12,7070.4% Employee Retirement System $ 45,271 $ 68,000 $ 103,400 $ 35, % Teacher Retirement System $ 165,303 $ 267,749 $ 297,000 $ 29, % FICA $ 234,082 $ 267,160 $ 257,034 $ (10,126)-3.8% Other Benefits $ 82,552 $ 96,982 $ 117,706 $ 20, % Health Insurance $ 1,285,932 $ 1,274,349 $ 1,383,700 $ 109,3518.6% Total Benefits $ 1,813,140 $ 1,974,240 $ 2,158,840 $ 184,6009.4% Grand Total 4,699,9495,020,6435,217,950197, %
Overview of costs that are givens – Long term debt Error in the budget (added in the wrong dollar amount) Over expenditure offers an opportunity to help address budget concerns for and beyond ExpenditureActual Budget Proposed Change in Budget $ Change in Budget % Serial Bond Principal $ 580,000 $ 335,000 $(245,000)-42.2% Serial Bond Interest $ 122,104 $ 123,057 $ 87,100 $ (35,957)-29.2% Bus BAN Principal $ 88,000 $ 106,400 $ 318,600 $ 212, % Bus BAN Interest $ 10,630 $ 9,673 $ 5,800 $ (3,873)-40.0% Capital BAN Interest $ - $ 74,525 Total Debt Service $ 800,734 $ 819,130 $ 821,025 $ 1,8950.2%
Central Administration Budget Items included in the Central Administration Budget Board of EducationPersonnel District ClerkLegal District MeetingCentral Printing & Mailing Chief School AdministratorCentral Data Processing Business AdministrationUnallocated Insurance AuditingSchool Association Dues TreasurerBOCES Administrative Costs Tax CollectorBOCES Capital Expenses PurchasingCurriculum Development Fiscal Agent FeeSupervision
Central Administration Budget
Increases to the Budget (All BOCES items) – Anticipated increase to BOCES costs (5%) – Personnel (Curriculum Development) – Central Printing & Mail (Print Shop & Postage) – Central Data Processing (BOCES increase & new service) – Curriculum Development Decreases to the Budget – Board of Education Budget (Superintendent Search)
Central Administration Budget DEPARTMENTActual Budget Proposed Change in Budget $Change in Budget % TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET $ 756,097 $ 798,244 $ 816,730 $ 18,4862.3%
Tax Rate per $1000 School District A25.71 B23.65 O23.21 D21.07 I20.46 C19.51 E18.95 P18.71 Q18.21 L16.87 M16.86 Morristown13.69 K13.46 F13.39 H12.9 N12.78 J12.21 G11.59
Budget Calendar April 20, Deadline for submission of petitions for propositions and nominations of BOE candidates to be placed on ballot. (1 seat) April 23, Last Day for Budget Adoption April 24, Property tax report card must be submitted to SED within 24 hours of budget adoption. This is the last day to send if budget adopted on April 23 rd. April 27, Mail district budget newsletter May 5, Budget hearing May 18, Statewide annual meeting/board election/budget vote
Budget Options Budget Passes – Enact changes as necessary for the school year Budget Defeat – Options Available to a Board of Education Board may prepare and adopt a contingent budget without going back to the voters Board may submit a budget to voters a second time If voters reject that budget, the Board must adopt a contingent budget Contingent Budget – Cannot exceed an increase of 120% times C.P.I. (-.4%) This maybe 0% this year as CPI is a negative number – pending legislative action. – Includes cuts for all equipment purchases, uniforms, student supplies and public use of facilities where a cost is involved