Florida Center for Library Automation Discovery Florida Center for Library Automation “A discovery tool is a user-friendly interface used to find books, journal articles, and other materials in select databases locally and around the world.”
MANGO Discovery What is in a Discovery Tool? Description of the current environment Introduction to MANGO Discovery and its Benefits Content of Mega-indexes Demo of MANGO Discovery with Summon Demo of MANGO Discovery with Primo Central Index Demo of MANGO Discovery with Ebsco Discovery Service Questions??
Discovery Tool Components Discovery layer- user interface with a single search box that returns combined results, assists the user locating and accessing content Catalog+ - catalog data plus other sources; metadata from Aleph, Digital collections, Wolfsonian Museum Library, OSTI, CRL and Hathi Trust Mega-index – proprietary tools that index metadata from articles, reference sources, newspapers, ebooks, etc. and some full text for searching Other – content not in mega-index, full-text subscriptions, link resolver, recommender service, holdings and circ data, etc.
MANGO Discovery Tool Project Working to include article search since 2009 Began working with Ex Libris’s Primo Central Index in early 2010 4 SULs beta testing the Mango/PCI (USF, UWF, UNF and UCF) Began working with other mega-indexes in early 2011, have beta of Mango/EDS and Mango/Summon Mango Discovery Layer has single search box, blended results and facets FCLA investigating content of different mega-indexes
MANGO Discovery Tool MANGO Discovery in combination with any of the current mega-indexes is a fully realized Discovery Tool Core philosophy is flexibility, which is key in a rapidly changing, nascent marketplace Not locked in to proprietary interface, mega-index, A&I databases, link-resolver, other vendor services Leverages the investment in existing MANGO user interface No down-time for catalog searches if mega-index is unavailable Low cost solution
Leverages State-wide Investment in Mango Retention of features developed collaboratively with FIU libraries (e.g. Series Title/Volume facet, Advanced multi- boolean multi-index search, in-process request emails for cataloging and special collections, ejournal tab) Continues UBorrow program for patron empowerment across disparate collections Access to SUS Union Catalog allows state-wide discovery Preserves integrated research tools and services unique to each library (e.g. location maps. Ask a librarian, push to RefWorks, etc.)
Current Environment - Mango Discovery Layer ALEPH Mango Index Catalog+ CRL Digital Collections Hathi Trust OSTI
Current Environment - Search Silos E-journals Reference Sources Citation Database E-books
Discovery Tools – Summon and EDS Discovery Layer Summon EDS SUMMON + CATALOG EDS + CATALOG Mega-index + Catalog Holdings and Circ data Mango or Aleph No UBorrow
Discovery Tools – Primo Discovery Layer Primo Mega-index Catalog PRIMO CENTRAL INDEX PRIMO SEARCH Circ data ALEPH No UBorrow
Mango Discovery Discovery Layer SUMMON OR Mega-index EDS Catalog+ OR PRIMO CENTRAL INDEX OR Mega-index Catalog+ OR Circ data Aleph
e-journal articles e-books Library holdings Government reports PALMM collections
What’s in these Mega-indexes? Journal article metadata Seeded with CrossRef and IngentaConnect metadata “Thin” vs. “Thick” metadata Aggregator databases (e.g., Gale Academic OneFile) Direct from publishers (including Elsevier, Wiley) Other, including JSTOR and Web of Science E-book metadata (Springer e-books, Books24x7) Reference materials (e.g., Alexander Street Press, Gale Virtual Reference materials)
Primo Central Index and E-journal Coverage Elsevier ScienceDirect Journals Of 2956 ISSNs attached to the current SUS contract, 2812 are indexed in Primo Central Index. Most of 144 not found had no or questionable ISSNs. SpringerLink Journals Of 711 total SUS subscriptions, 676 are indexed in Primo Central Index.
Discovery Demo
Mango Discovery Developments! Customized Full Text linking Single Sign-on Multi-Facet-value selection Saved Folders with Books and Articles And more… Recommender Service “Print” only facet or “Books not online” format Virtual Bookshelf Contextual Links to research guides and Database suggestions FRBR Record View
Questions? Contact Us: Jean Phillips jeanp@ufl.edu Josh Greben jgreben@ufl.edu Claire Dygert cdygert@ufl.edu