Graphic Design
Graphic Designers create designs using print, electronic, and film media. About 26% of Graphic designers are self employed. To be a graphic designer you usually have to have a bachelor’s degree.
Wages in Tulsa, Oklahoma for graphic designers can range from $14.71-$22.35 an hour. Yearly, its ranges from $30,590-$46,490.
Express ideas clearly when speaking or writing. Imagine how something will look if it is moved around or its parts are rearranged. Be aware of others' reactions and change behavior in relation to them. Concentrate and not be distracted while performing a task.
The demand for graphic designers will be due in part to the growth of the Internet. Graphic designers will be needed to design and lay out web pages. In addition, businesses will continue to want visually appealing ideas for their products, publications, and videos. All these items require the skills of graphic designers.
Design: Knowledge of making and using plans, blueprints, drawings, and models. Sales and Marketing: Knowledge of advertising and selling products and services. Computers and Electronics: Knowledge of computer hardware and software.
Helpful electives to take in high school that prepare you for this occupation include: Art Commercial Art Computer Applications Desktop Publishing Drawing and Painting Graphic Arts and Printing Graphic Design Web Page Design
Sit for long periods of time. Repeat movements over and over. Use hands to handle, control, or feel objects, tools, or controls.
Talk to clients or supervisors about design project. Prepare sketches of images or logos. Consider supervisors' instructions and clients' needs. Make changes if necessary. Draw sample of proposed layout or design, or create screen layout. Present to art director or client for approval.