Innovation to Development
Computer Assisted Lab (CAI) Students Computer access through a port Dependent on a remote server (Intranet)
Exposure to computer technology Leads to adoption in Correctional Ed (CAI Lab) Intranet established Educational growth in GED Certifications Need for technology upgrade Pseudo- inter net = Moodle
Moodle Inception to Innovation Moodle Launched 1/26/2006 Member- users 898,335 4/15/2010 Microsoft releases add-in 4/7/2010 Open Source Course Management System Software Jan ’06Jan ’07Jan -08Jan ’09Jan ’10Apr, ‘10
Prior Conditions Single Desk top unit connected to single server Felt Needs Problem Innovation Norms of Social systems Knowledge Socio-economic Personality variables Communication Behaviors Persuasion Characteristics Seek information What will it do? How will it be developed Consider implementation Adoption Re-Invention or Modification
Limits programming and depends on remote technology Mainframe may be able to simulate real world needs for returning students* Simulation trains students for eventual inter-net use
Remote Main Frame
Ed. Technology Teachers Students’ Success Late Majority and Laggards Accountants Board Members
Beta Selected Units Research /Survey with testers and