Ticket to Work Boot Camp: Foundational Knowledge Understanding the Request for Quotation (RFQ) to become an Employment Network Hosted/Facilitated by: Miranda Kennedy, NDI Technical Assistance Team Presented by Emily Malsch, Program Specialist, OSM Workforce Team 2012 Training Series
DEI Projects at the state level and/or local level participating LWIBs are required to become Employment Networks under Social Security Administration’s Ticket to Work Program. Training and Technical Assistance to DEI Projects in attaining Employment Network status and implementing effective EN operations is provided under U.S. DOLETA contract with NDI Consulting, Inc. and the National Disability Institute (NDI). Evaluation of the impact of the DEI Projects implementation and outcomes as Employment Network will be provided under U.S. DOL ODEP contract with Social Dynamics. 2
Upon completion of this training webinar, DEI grantees and participants and partners from the public workforce system will have the following: An understanding of the Request for Quotation (RFQ) process An understanding of the contents of the RFQ, what applies to my organization, and how to submit the completed RFQ An understanding of what occurs post- Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA)
Background on SSA Program Managers Becoming an Employment Network (EN) Taking a Closer look at the RFQ (I – VI) Summary RFQ Assistance Discussion Opportunity Next Steps 4
SSA runs the Ticket to Work Program with the assistance of two Program Managers Operations Support Manager (OSM) handles all activities related to Employment Networks (ENs)/service providers from recruitment, training, payment, etc. Beneficiary Access and Support Services (BASS) Manager handles all Ticket-related activities for SSA’s beneficiaries.
MAXIMUS Federal Services was awarded a 5-year contract to serve as the Ticket Program OSM responsible for: recruiting experienced and highly-qualified ENs; establishing and maintaining an EN Technical Assistance and Support Center; facilitating/monitoring active Ticket program participation by ENs; administering and supporting the Ticket assignment process; and administering and supporting the EN payment process Note: MAXIMUS also serves as the Ticket Program Data Operations Center Manager (TPDOCM) and is responsible for maintaining electronic systems supporting daily Ticket program operations and providing system support services and management information to SSA.
Booz Allen Hamilton was awarded a 5-year contract to serve as the Ticket to Work BASS Manager responsible for: designing, implementing and supporting the marketing the TTW program and work incentives to SSA’s beneficiaries with disabilities/Ticket Holders; administering a call center, web site and electronic mail response capability to answer questions about the TTW program; and developing tools, resources and models to encourage beneficiary participation, coordinate with SSA to create local venues to promote the Ticket, and facilitate partnerships among ENs, local organizations, and beneficiaries to increase program outcomes and work opportunities for beneficiaries.
Get the EN RFQ at Download and complete on your computer Cover letter provides information on how to contact SSA Advised not to mail your RFQ, send by: Fax number:
Must have an Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as the Tax ID # Must have general business or professional liability insurance in effect (minimum of $500,000 per occurrence) Must have a DUNS number (contact Dun & Bradstreet at or apply online at if your agency does not have a DUNS) Must register your agency’s DUNS number on the Contractor Registration (CCR) website: Must complete the Online Representations and Certifications Application once the CCR profile is finalized and approved: Before Getting Started…
Contains 6 parts (see table of contents): Part I, BPA Agreement (required to submit) Part II, Price (review only) Part III, Statement of Work (review only) Part IV, Contract Clauses (review only) Part V, EN Quotation Documentation Requirements (required to submit) Part VI, Solicitation Provisions (review only)
Part I- Blanket Purchase Agreement Required to complete and submit Outlines terms of BPA between the EN and SSA Part II- Price Do not need to submit Outlines supplies, services, and price Firm–Fixed-Price of BPA is $0- for satisfactory performance of services provided, EN is paid in accordance with the Payment to ENs schedule (Part III--Section 11).
Contains 12 sections- all for internal review, does not need to be submitted Describes the general and specific EN qualification requirements Outlines Ticket assignment process Details of IWP Referral Agreements Ticket Training provided and by whom EN responsibilities Reporting requirements and EN evaluations EN payment system
Workforce eProcesses will: Streamline EN operations Reduce administrative burden Reduce paperwork involved with Ticket assignment and EN payment process Keep this in mind when reading the section on IWP, Ticket Assignment process, and the EN payments
1. Beneficiary calls BASS to get information about ENs and services 2. Beneficiary chooses EN and together develop IWP 3. Ticket is assigned and the EN & Beneficiary work on plan 4. Beneficiary earns income sufficient for outcomes or milestones 5. EN is eligible for Ticket payment Snapshot of Ticket Process 4
Reviews and explains EN contract terms and conditions Reviews liability insurance requirements – WIA One Stop Centers/Workforce Boards/Operators exempt from submitting proof Explains the EN Security and Suitability Requirements
Paragraph H: EN Security and Suitability Requirements Purpose of this clause is to provide SSA policies and procedures re: background investigations Investigations are to determine the suitability of the EN to acquire, handle, and have access to beneficiary personally identifiable information (PII) EN suitability process does not begin until after the BPA is awarded; at this time, only EN staff names who acquire, handle, or have access to PII are required
Step 1: after BPA award received, submit cover letter to SSA that provides EN name, the contract number, the CPOC’s name, the CPOC’s contact information, each applicant’s full name, each applicant’s Social Security number (SSN), each applicant’s date of birth, and each applicant’s place of birth Step 2: Signatory Authority receives eQIP ( qip/) invitation; time sensitive, must send to each applicant listed in cover letter to complete and submithttp:// qip/ Step 3: Each applicant completes OF306 and Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) Authorization Form FD-258, Applicant Fingerprint Chart, sent by SSA, 2 charts per applicant, if not received contact TASC Step 4: Forms submission: eQIP signature page, OF306, FCRA, Fingerprint charts EN security/suitability questions?
Section 1: Standard Form 1449 Box 17a: Offeror Name, Address, Phone, and Tax ID/EIN number Box 17b if applicable Box 30 a, b, c: signature and date
Section 2: EN Information Sheet: all about you as an EN Offeror Name = Name placed in Box 17 on SF 1449 EN Name- optional, if listed in Directory, choose name customers know you by EN Directory Contact Information: name provided here is the beneficiary POC for your EN Type of Organization- at minimum check either WIA One Stop and/or Workforce Board EN Employee Suitability- provide names of EN who have access/handle PII; Bene CD is optional Section 3: Information Sheet Addendum For each additional or different location to be published publicly in the online EN Directory, complete one addendum for EACH different service delivery location. Section 4: EN Checklist- for internal use only, do not submit
Review only, do not submit SSA evaluation of RFQ RFQ selection and award Offeror will be notified of missing or incorrect information; given 60 days to correct deficiencies
Only submit Part I, BPA Agreement (pgs 4 and 5), and Part V ◦ Remember: as a WIA One Stop/Workforce Board/Operator- proof of EN qualifications and liability insurance not required to submit with RFQ Obtain necessary signatures where needed ◦ Part I, Blanket Purchase Agreement, signature on page 4 ◦ Part V, Section 1: SF Form 1449 ◦ Part V, Section 2-T: Signatory Authority Submit completed RFQ to
For further RFQ guidance contact: ◦ Emily Malsch, Program Specialist, OSM Workforce Team ◦ ◦ (443) Additional help is available through SSA’s Employment Network Contracts Team Call: RFQAssistance RFQ Assistance
Once you become an Employment Network: ◦ OSM Workforce Team will schedule a TASC Orientation Call introducing you to your TASC team at MAXIMUS who: √ Handles the process for assigning & un-assigning Tickets √ Maintains the list of approved ENs √ Processes Ticket payments √ Conducts timely progress reviews √ Staffs an EN Help Desk √ Provides training & technical assistance to ENs Visit the MAXIMUS w ebsite at 23 Post BPA Award
Ticket to Work Program Resources: Visit SSA’s Work Site at: Visit the MAXIMUS web site at or call www.yourtickettowork.com Visit the BASS website at: or call http:// 24
Q & A To ask a question/make a comment please click on the “raised hand icon” OR submit it via the Q&A panel, both are located on the right hand toolbar 26
Ticket to Work & Benefits Basics: DRC’s & One-Stop Staff Serving as a Resource on the TtW program ◦ This webinar will help you understand following: ◦ How the TtW Program compliments the objectives of the DEI project ◦ Provide a clear picture of the DRC role in expanding the workforce system’s capacity to serve as an EN ◦ Understand the learning models & partnerships that ensure benefits planning services to Ticket holders served within workforce system EN ◦ Downloadable TOOLKITs with TtW information and resources that help to build One-Stop and customer awareness. Registration Tuesday, March 6 th 2012 (3:00pm – 4:30pm EST) Registration: In order to register go to:
Emily Malsch, Program Specialist SSA Ticket to Work Operations Support Manager Center for Strategic Initiatives, Workforce Team (443)