DE Science Elementary “5-Minute Prep” For Space: Our Solar System and Beyond Stars and Universe Space Travel
Space Travel – The Big Ideas Vast distances, even within the solar system, limit space travel. Humans have traveled in orbit around the Earth and to the moon. Humans have sent mechanical space probes to most of the planets, the moon, the sun, and beyond the solar system.
Space Travel – Prior Knowledge Students probably have limited knowledge about space travel. Their knowledge will be limited to space shuttles and perhaps even satellites or probes. It will be helpful if students viewed the FUN-damental, Your Place In Space, before beginning this unit. In addition, it would help students if they:Your Place In Space –Know about recent space explorations or missions that have occurred during their lifetime. –Have seen video or images of space shuttles or instruments. –Know that scientists collect data about space with technology.
Space Travel – Common Misconceptions All instruments used in space travel return back to Earth. –Reality: Some spacecraft remain in space indefinitely, some disintegrate during atmospheric reentry, and others reach a planetary or lunar surface for landing or impact. It doesn’t take very long to travel to places in space. –Reality: Depending on the technology, purpose, time of year, and location, space travel could be considered quick or slow. Often, it depends on how fast the spaceship can travel. When the Apollo astronauts went to the moon, it took about two days. To launch a spacecraft to Mars, it can take from 7-10 months depending on how wide your trajectory is. Because of the way the planets line up, every two years we have an opportunity to launch a spacecraft to Mars.
Space Travel – Using DE Science Content When you close this presentation, you can review the following recommended resources for Space Travel. Exploration: Space TravelSpace Travel Reading Passage: Are We There Yet?Are We There Yet? eBook: How Far is Far?How Far is Far? Video: Space ExplorationSpace Exploration Use the PowerPoint version of this presentation for hyperlinks to these resources or you can get to them through the browser or search feature.
Space Travel – Instructional Ideas As students are watching the video, ask them to list the steps and stages of how equipment was safely placed on Mars. –Give students a graphic organizer and have them use the organizer to take notes on the sequence these events. Students will read How Far is Far? and learn the distances between different objects in space. –By doing some simple measurement conversions and division, students can display a model of these distances on large butcher paper. –Have students make comparisons to distances on earth or in their state.
Space Travel – Instructional Ideas Using the Exploration, students will be able to see how long it would take them to travel to Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, and the moon and what the distance to these places is from Earth. –Students can also click on the various probes that have been used and learn more about what each one did and found. Many students are fascinated by astronauts and the duties they perform during space travel. –Have students write a letter to a current or former astronaut telling them what they have learned in this unit and asking unanswered questions about space travel.
State Standards: If you wish to review your state standards about Space Travel, click here to get to the curriculum standards search feature of DES. You can click on any standard to see what resources are available to teach it. Additional Information: For additional content, check the Extend section within the concept.