Risk MAP 1 Risk MAP Program Management The Role of Accenture 12th Annual NFDA Retreat & Conference Bill Fry, Senior Manager, Accenture
Risk MAP 2 Agenda Background on Accenture and our Team Program Management Scope Transition from National Service Provider (NSP) to Program Manager (PM) and Production and Technical Services Contractors (PTS). Review of PM Tasks
Risk MAP 3 Internal Investments $770 million in training $300 million on R&D Recognition Recognized by IDC as the worldwide leader in Systems Integration Services Ranked No. 1 in Information Technology Services on Fortune’s list of most admired companies for 4th straight year Named No. 1 on the “Global Outsourcing 100” by the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals Investments and Recognition 186,000 professionals 49 countries A network of more than 40 delivery centers globally Serve all 15 Federal cabinet-level agencies Serve 94 of the Fortune Global 100, two-thirds of the Fortune Global 500 Accenture: Committed to innovation & collaboration Accenture
Risk MAP 4 87 Eighty-seven legacy US Army systems replaced with single financial system 8 million Eight million New York City residents can connect more easily with local government 50% Fifty percent of the world's mail is processed by Accenture systems 4 out of 5 Four out of five taxpayers in Singapore file their tax returns electronically using award-winning system 1 One citizen ID card to replace five different forms of identification for Portuguese citizens 98% Ninety-eight percent of all Irish imports and exports processed through online customs system 700 Seven hundred business processes reengineered into modern, integrated supply chain at Defense Logistics Agency 24 million Twenty-four million US students served through grants and loans supported by Accenture systems 116 One hundred and sixteen US airports to install 10- print fingerprint solutions to increase homeland security measures Accenture Public Service – At a glance
Risk MAP 5 5 FEMA ES 002 National leader in strategic communications FEMA Individual Assistance Program Louisiana Road Home Program HAZUS-MH Workshops Extensive experience with Map Mod production Innovative research and services in the field of water science and engineering Global engineering services provider for UNESCO, the World Bank, and the World Meteorological Organization for flood management programs Provider of technical expertise to state and federal agencies Support for FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Assistance Unified Rule and GAP Analysis Programs Trotter Consulting The McCurry Group Doug Howenstein, PMP Program Manager Abe Sachs, PMP Project Director Bill Fry, P.E. Stakeholder Working Group Lead Sarah Armstrong Outreach Team Lead Doug Sargent, PMP Business Architect Erin Campbell Integration Team Lead Program Management: Accenture
Risk MAP 6 5 Basic Task Areas 1.Risk MAP general program management services 2.Establish Mutually Beneficial Partnerships 3.Provide Regional Program Management Support 4.Establish National Risk MAP Outreach Strategy 5.Implement Business Architecture for Risk MAP Program Management What we do
Risk MAP 7 Transition of NSP to PM, PTS Metrics Outreach Production Technical issues Policy issues Community issues CTPs and IDIQs Partnering Relations with Regions National Service Provider Metrics: Responsible for ensuring regional PTS applies and supplies metrics. Participates in review of metrics. Outreach: Delivers outreach processes, messages and tools to region for use by staff and PTS. Production: Tracks production, cost, and schedule metrics Technical issues: Oversees and escalates issues of significance to ensure PTS solution is timely and respects policy. Attends key meetings on issues. Policy issues: Directs resolution of policy issues arising within the region.. Community issues: Guides contractors on issues of program significance. CTPs and IDIQs: Oversees applications of metrics and outreach. Assists in resolution of non-technical issues. Partnering: Directs actions and efforts to create effective partnerships. Develops coordination and communication tools. Relations with Region: PM responsibility of “keeping the regional happy” through sound execution of their responsibilities and good partnering efforts PM –TOMORROW PTS - TOMORROW Metrics: Supplies metrics to MIP and other routes, and “owns the data”. Outreach: Performs most outreach to communities and regional stakeholders. Production: Full map and other products production responsibility. Maintains and delivers metrics Technical issues: Resolves technical issues through standard chain of command. Policy issues: Supplies necessary information to liaisons for broader communication and coordination Community issues: Deals with virtually all community technical issues. CTPs and IDIQs: Responsible for resolution of technical issues. Reports to RL on results. Partnering: Serves as a good partner under RL directions Relations with Region: PTS shares responsibility of “keeping the regional happy” through sound execution of their responsibilities and good partnering efforts
Risk MAP 8 8 Steady State Enable People Knowledge Transfer Plan Transfer Manage Communications Plan Transition Define Transition Plan Governance, quality/metrics approach, and acceptance criteria Staff Key Personnel day 1 Integrate employees and contractors Integrate best practices gradually Assess skills, processes, procedures Implement Technology and Work Environment Establish facility, hardware, tools, network, and security Collaborate (documentation, discussions, demonstrations) Independent service delivery Manage Transition Program Gather Inputs Shadow KTA Knowledge Transfer Assessment Manage stakeholders and communications channels Collect documents On-the-job training Program Management Enterprise Business Architecture Outreach and Communications Partnership Initiatives Regional PM Liaisons Collaboration tools Logical knowledge storage Automated progress tracking Accenture Rapid Transition Suite (Enabler) Accenture’s holistic transition approach enables rapid mobilization and an efficient transfer of knowledge and infrastructure from the NSP to Accenture Transition Overview
Risk MAP 9 Risk MAP Program Management #1: Accenture will provide services, oversight and reporting for activities across the Risk MAP Program
Risk MAP 10 #1: General PM Services Operations Services Reporting Earned Value Management Systems KPIs and Other Metrics Quality Assurance Measures and Oversight Issue and Risk Management General Business Consulting
Risk MAP 11 Risk MAP Program Management #2: Accenture will facilitate high levels of cooperation across the Risk MAP program contractors, FEMA, and with other Federal, State, and Local agencies and other partners
Risk MAP 12 #2: Partnerships Universal Objective 1: “Provide a high level of cooperation across the Risk MAP program contractors, ensuring that the Risk MAP program mission overrides the individual contractors preferences.”
Risk MAP 13 #2: Partnerships Program Management OBJECTIVE 4 FOSTER MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL PARTNERSHIPS: Strengthen beneficial partnerships in order to … further the goals of Risk MAP. 1.Design, implement, and maintain a framework that collects information on the effectiveness of partnerships. 2.Ensure that the Risk MAP products resulting from partnerships are complementary, not duplicative. 3.Collaborate with partners to improve the understanding and use of risk information at all levels and encourage action. 4.Verify requirements for enhancements to proven methods or development of new methods that provide support to partners to include policies, procedures, guidelines, and training for Risk MAP.
Risk MAP 14 Risk MAP Program Management #3: Accenture will improve efficiencies and assist the regional mitigation leadership operate the Risk MAP program and resolve issues across PTS, CTP, and IDIQ contractors
Risk MAP 15 Regional Liaison: To support Regional Mitigation Directorate program management in delivering real products and achieving goals of the Risk MAP program Currently one PM Regional Liaison is authorized for each region. Regional Liaisons hold a variety of skills to form a unique group to support each region yet provide synergy and improvement nationwide Programmed to be co-located with region. #3: Regional Assistance
Risk MAP 16 Enhance coordination and communication between the FEMA Regions, FEMA Headquarters, and the contractor Regional Support Center (RSCs) Leverage and share Risk MAP product, process, and policy best practices across Regions, while tailoring to each Region’s unique requirements Assist in the identification and resolution of technical & programmatic conflicts utilizing knowledge and experience based on national exposure to similar issues Implement metrics systems and results, including risk analysis at regional level #3: Regional Assistance
Risk MAP 17 Support outreach teams to deliver outreach tools, training, and analysis Support the utilization of MIP, MHIP, and other Production and Planning tools Enhance the partnership of all Risk MAP stakeholders Support of CTPs, IDIQ contractors, and other Risk MAP service providers and their products with non-technical needs Assist with identification, inclusion, and integration of multi-hazards into Risk MAP Support RMC to RSC transition #3: Regional Assistance
Risk MAP 18 #4:Risk Communications/Outreach for the Risk MAP Program Risk MAP Program Management
Risk MAP 19 Reviews Existing Qualitative and Quantitative Research Literature Media Knowledge Transfer Baker/Map Mod Background New Research Qualitative and Quantitative Internal Communication Planning #4: Outreach and Communications
Risk MAP 20 Regional Dialogues Interviews Planning Using all elements National & Regional Strategies #4: Outreach and Communications
Risk MAP 21 #4: Outreach and Communications
Risk MAP 22 #4: Outreach and Communications State and local representatives General Public Lenders Insurance Agents Realtors, Homebuilders Environmental Groups Engineers Surveyors Planners Flood Insurance Policy Holders Other Federal Agencies Congress OMB
Risk MAP 23 #4: Outreach and Communications Reaching Stakeholders Conferences Media Relations Community Meetings Partnerships Web 2.0 Other
Risk MAP 24 Risk MAP Program Management #5: Implement Business Architecture Keep the Risk MAP program focused on achieving the end goal Guide the development of IT systems and products, manage needs, and assist in prioritizing, planning, and sequencing program activities
Risk MAP 25 #5: Business Architecture Risk MAP requires a well structured, clearly understood framework that: Ensures appropriate levels of accountability and responsibility Helps people know where they ‘fit in’ within the program Provides processes, systems and tools to allow for escalation of risks, issues, and decisions to appropriate levels of accountability within the organization In order for FEMA HQ, FEMA regions, and Risk MAP contractors to be successful, we are clearly defining the following: Roles and responsibilities Decision making processes Interactions/communications mechanisms to clarify who interacts with who, when, why, and how
Risk MAP 26 #5: Business Architecture Regional Division Directors † Regions Regional Branch Chiefs † Regional Staff Directorate & Division Leadership Risk Analysis Leadership Program Managers Senior Leadership FEMA HQContractors Project Executives Program Support Governance Structures Executive Steering Group* Risk MAP Executive Board JPR* Contractor Coordination* Program Council Contract Council IPTs* Stakeholder Working Group* Partnership Framework* Communities, Partners & Stakeholders * Includes Regional participation † A subset of this group
Risk MAP 27 Timeline Risk MAP CDS Operations Risk MAP PM Operations PM Transition CDS Transition PTS Mobilization Regional PM Deployment Jan 2009Feb 2009 Mar 2009Apr 2009May 2009Jun 2009Jul 2009Aug 2009Sep 2009 : Contract Award Date PTS Transition Risk MAP PTS Operations : Transition Complete Solution Definition Capability Development and Deployment Dec 2008 Core Services Transition Multi-Year Planning Initial Enterprise Architecture Complete Baking the Risk MAP Solution Complete Risk MAP Multi-Hazard Identification Plan Released TRANSITION SOLUTION DEFINITION AND IMPLEMENTATION MULTI-YEAR PLANNING Submit MIP Sequencing Tool Business Rules Transition Complete RMC Transition 09 Production Ordering