Harris Corner Detector on FPGA Rohit Banerjee Jared Choi : Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming
Introduction to the problem
Corner detection Corner Detection Corners provide a lot of information Spending time to detect corners can significant reduce computation time * Image matching * Motion tracking * Robot Navigation
Application Specific Need Pixel Stream Output CORNER DETECTOR Want to be able to process images in real time. Corner detection is very memory intensive. CPU cannot process data fast enough because it had to store data to DRAM first.
Exploit arbitrary hardware parallelism to process more within the given time window
Harris Detector Basic Idea
Hardware Implementation
Processing Pipeline
Processing Pipeline
Sobel Filter
2D convolution
Convolution Buffer
After a while……
Convolution Buffer This column is ready to be processed 0 1 N-2 N-1
Convolution Buffer 0 1 N-2 N-1
Convolution Buffer 0 1 N-2 N-1
Processing Pipeline
Gaussian Filter
Processing Pipeline
Harris Response Harris Input ∑Gadxdx ∑Gadydy∑Gadxdy = Sxx Sxy Syy
Harris Response
Results PlatformExecution Time/ms Naïve Serial Implementation OpenCV18.12 SystemVerilog(50MHz)1.31
Results Platform Speedup of FPGA Implementation Naïve Serial Implementation OpenCV13.83
Results Hardware Approx. Power Consumption/W Intel i Cyclone IVE FPGA6.30
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