ITS at Borders Edward McCormack Winter 2009
2 National Borders Problem Context Primary Border Function –Ensure That Only Permitted Persons and Goods Enter the Country Inspection Process Results In Congestion ITS Solution Sets –Provide Traveler Information –Improve Processing Time Source: Bart Cima IBI
3 Border Data Freight (much of the paper work is handled by brokers) –Tariffs –Quotas –Bills of lading/manifests –Produce control (such as drug interdiction) –Currency law People (held by each individual traveler) –Nationality –Health –Employment status –Time in or out of county –Permission to enter or stay in country –Political status –Criminal record
4 Many Agencies Involved in Border Operations Customs and Border Protection –Immigration –Cargo –Agriculture DEA Fish and Wildlife U.S. Marshals ATF Coast Guard Border station “owned” by Government Services Agency
5 Complex Environment Source: WCOG
7 The Border Post 9-11 Emphasis on security Customs went from revenue collection to a security agency Increasing reliance on pre-clearance of known shippers and closer scrutiny of chains of custody Increasing use of ITS and other technologies to verify people, cargo, vehicle
8 Smart Border Accord & Technology In 2002, US and Canada agreed to sort out border issues 30 point accord heavy on technology including ITS But technology alone does not make the border smart It can enhance security by reducing identity fraud by help to sort and analyze traveler information And can improve traffic flow by linking data and pre-clearing travelers / cargo by managing congestion
9 Washington - British Columbia Region
10 Washington Borders Four Crossings at Wash./B.C. border Two can be used by trucks Operates as a system
11 Example Washington/B.C. Border has a Congestion Problem 4th busiest commercial crossing on border 700,000 trucks crossed in million cars crossed in 2006 Delay costs millions per year Enforcement staffing has not kept up with traffic
ITS Solutions – Border Crossing Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS)
13 Background Traveler Information Needs: Pre-trip planning information Advance notification of crossing wait times Source: Bart Cima IBI
14 Pre-Trip Information Traffic Cameras Historical Wait Time Data Customs Reports
15 Peace Arch or Pacific Highway?, WA SURREY, BC ? ? Peace Arch Pacific Highway 99 Source: WCOG
16, WA SURREY, BC Peace Arch Pacific Highway PA….25 min PH….37 min PA….55 min PH….10 min Source: WCOG The ATIS Solution NB: Save 45 minutes at Pac Hwy. SB: Save 8 minutes at Peace Arch.
17 British Columbia Southbound ATIS Project Funds From Both Countries Measures Real- time Border Crossing Times Captures Video Images Message Signs, Telephone, & Internet
18 Southbound ATIS
19 Northbound ATIS Developed by WSDOT Project includes: –Web Site –Traffic Cameras –Highway Advisory Radio –Loop Detectors Border Agencies Also Interested in Data –Including Access to CCTV Cameras
20 Northbound ATIS
Improving Processing Time
22 ITS Approaches to Improve Processing Time Identification of lower-risk people, vehicles and shipments Make the data exchanges electronic (reduce paper transactions) Use inspection technology
ITS Solutions for Passenger Vehicles
Border Technology
25 License Plate Readers Electronic identification of license plates Automatic link to law enforcement databases Helps identify of vehicles of interest
License Plate Readers
27 License Plate Readers Uses optical character recognition and works at night Have difficulty reading some state’s plates, some fonts, and in some weather conditions Border traffic is slow speed so system works well Needs to tied to a database
28 NEXUS Program Passenger vehicles Smart card-based, bi-national travel program Pre-approved travelers can skip queues and access a dedicated commuter lane NEXUS26
29 Nexus Card Cost $50 (US) for approved individuals Proximity-based radio frequency card with chip and antenna Reader next to inspection booth Displays data and digital photo inside booth
Passport/License Card New Washington State driver licenses with RFID chip and unique ID number (no information) Less costly than a passport Passports also have RFID chip 30
Proximity Card Reader
Solutions for Freight Movement
34 The Trade Flow Source: Bart Cima IBI
35 Electronic Filing US Now Requires One Hour Notification Source: Bart Cima IBI
36 WSDOT In–Bond Project In-Bond Shipments –Transit shipments thru the US –Shipper posts a bond Tracks shipment from Ports of Seattle and Tacoma to border with Canada Uses Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) Technology –Vehicle Mounted Transponder (the CVISN Transponder) –Roadside Readers
Advanced Notification for Entering US Trucks – one hour Ships – 24 hours Airplanes – Before leaving Cars/People - none 37
38 Source: Bart Cima IBI In-Bond Project Transponder Source: Bart Cima IBI
39 Northbound In- Bond Process When truck exits port, the system alerts US Customs AVI readers at weigh stations provide en-route information AVI reader south of the border gives preview of in-bond status Automatically clears out the bond and marks the cargo as exported
40 Risk Assessment Identification of Lower Risk Shipments A number of programs designed to reduce risk –Pre-arrival program for trusted truckers –Automated targeting systems –Electronic container seals Allow inspection agencies to focus on higher-risk traffic
41 Risk Assessment Source: Bart Cima IBI
42 Risk Assessment & Container Seals Standard “dumb” sealTransponder door seal
43 One eSeal that was tested in Washington Disposable transponder for container door 316 MHz (military frequency) Costs $5 Tamper indicator message Readable at 35 MPH Transmits unique ID number
Another E-seal Tested in Washington Semi-disposable CVISN Compatible 915 MHz Costs $50
45 Other Electronic Container Seals
46 Electronic Seal Functions Reusable or disposable Battery life Durability Cost Active or passive Frequency (no standard yet) Readable at freeway speeds Range Security
47 Example: How Electronic Seals Work In-transit containers of prohibited foods “lost” by US Department of Agriculture Seal track containers from Texas and Port of Tacoma to Canada Reader at border indicates when containers have left country
48 eSeal being Programmed
49 eSeal Installed
50 eSeal Readers at Border
51 Internet Backbone
52 Advantages of the Electronic Seals Electronic data reduces paper work, increase accuracy Security – more positive ID of container Track freight in ports and on highways Step towards tagging all containers Focus enforcement resources
53 Risk Assessment - FAST Free and Secure Trade (FAST) Program Pre-Screens –Commercial Drivers –Carriers –Shippers Transponder Issued to Trucks Smart Card to Drivers Requires Electronic Filing of Custom Forms Provides Dedicated Lane As trade partners in supply chain must be certified
54 Source: Bart Cima IBI FAST Transponder Source: Bart Cima IBI
55 FAST Proximity Card
Screening Technologies
57 Biometrics Fingerprint, iris scan, facial, hand geometry, speech recognition Expensive and requires large database Privacy concerns Slows border process – false positives Best used in indoor, controlled environment
58 The new VISIT Program uses Fingerprint Biometrics
59 Mobile VACIS Vehicle And Cargo Inspection System Truck Mounted Gamma Ray Mobile Scanning System Captures an Image of Contents Image Similar to an X-ray.
Radiation Detection Both fixed and handheld devices common False positives common
63 Screening Technologies Computer tomography (CAT scan) x-ray scanning gamma-ray imaging (VACUS) neutron interrogation ultrasonic and thermal imaging Spectral analysis Others under development
65 In-Bond ITS Needs Border Infrastructure No advantages to transponder truck if stuck behind untagged trucks New Lane at Blaine will provide access for transponder equipped trucks