INTEGRATED FRAUD DETECTION (IFD) DATA MATCH California Department of Social Services Guide To: 1
History: Public Law required states to establish an income and eligibility verification system for CalFresh and CalWORKs. Title 45 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part required states to check wages and income every three months. 2
Data Sources: Employment Development Department (EDD) Social Security Administration (SSA) Counties and Consortia Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) 3
Criteria: 1.Wage Match - Recipient information is compared to employer- reported wage data from EDD. 2. Duplicate Aid Match - CDSS compares data between SSA and what the recipient reported to check if a recipient is collecting CalFresh and/or CalWORKs while collecting Social Security/State Supplementary Program Income. - Records are flagged during the quarter. 4
Tolerance Level : CalWORKs and CalFresh is $1,000 or greater Medi-Cal is $5,000 or greater 5 The consortia will only receive cases which show that the difference between the quarterly wages reported to EDD and those reported by the county exceed a specified level.
Frequency : The match is sent quarterly, on January, April, July, and October. 6
Method : Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) server 7
Age of Data : 7 – 9 months old 8
Mandates: Public Law CFR DAYS DUE 9
Questions? Comments? us! 10