Pharmacy Administration By Dr. Shaimaa Mahmoud Nashat Canadian equivalent Master Degree in Clinical Pharmacy - Toronto University – Canada Canadian Board in Management and Human Development- Canada
Objectives & Learning Outcomes Key words : management science – economics - patient outcomes consumer medication - medication use safety- Pharmacoeconomics a) Know how to buy, store and dispense drugs. b) Face the challenges present in the misuse of medicines. c) Develop and implement a work unit supported by certain objectives. d) Create and implement a strategic plan. e) Create and develop a highly effective working environment. f) Know the concept, nature, importance and function of management. g) Effectively manage conflict situations in the workplace. h) Acquire marketing management skills. i) Think analytically about the problems facing a developing project. j) Apply different techniques to measure income growth, distribution and other related concepts. k) Make decisions based on ethical standards. l) Acquire motivation, communication, coordination and leadership skills.
Pharmacy Administration Definition : Pharmacy administration is a dynamic field that applies approaches from management science, economics, and the social sciences to issues in health care that relate to pharmacy, pharmacists, and pharmaceuticals. Specific research programs include: patient outcomes, health care and pharmaceutical policy, comparative health care systems, consumer medication use safety, pharmacoeconomics and management, rational drug use and distribution, socioeconomic and cultural issues related to drug use.
Pharmacy Administration importance Pharmacy Administration – Pharmacy Practice Relationship Development of personal leadership qualities and business acumen essential to operate efficiently within a hospital and health system advance the profession and practice of pharmacy. Thorough understanding of the organization and the components of an integrated heath care system as they relate to the continuum of pharmaceutical care across the health system including acute care, ambulatory care, home care, sub-acute care and long term care. Administration of pharmacy service networks as part of the integrated health system and the relationships of the components of the pharmacy regional health system (e.g.: home infusion, mail order, managed care, retail pharmacy services, long term care pharmacy services, Hospice care, and consulting pharmacy services.) Knowledge and expertise in managing a Drug Policy Program and an understanding of the importance of such a center in supporting an integrated health system.
ECONOMICS definition of economics : Economics is the study of choice under conditions of scarcity. economics is a social science, so it seeks to explain something about society. Scarcity A situation in which the amount of something available is insufficient to satisfy the desire for it.
Why Study Economics? There are four main reasons to study economics: to learn a way of thinking, to understand society, to understand global affairs, and to be an informed citizen.
Why Study Economics? the most important reason for studying economics is to learn a way of thinking. Economics has three fundamental concepts that, once absorbed, can change the way you look at everyday choices: opportunity cost, marginalism, and the working of efficient markets. opportunity cost : The best alternative that we forgo, or give up, when we make a choice or a decision. People must decide how to divide their incomes among all the goods and services. marginalism : The process of analyzing the additional or incremental costs or benefits arising from a choice or decision. efficient markets : A market in which profit opportunities are eliminated almost instantaneously.
Why Study Economics? Understand society : Another reason for studying economics is to understand society better. Past and present economic decisions have an enormous influence on the character of life in a society. The current state of the physical environment, the level of material well-being, and the nature and number of jobs are all products of the economic system.
Why Study Economics? Understand global affairs : environmental disaster. World Prices. Political Issues. Governmental decision. Labor market.
Why Study Economics? to be an informed citizen : A knowledge of economics is essential to being an informed citizen. In 2009, most of the world suffered from a major recession, with diminished economic growth and high unemployment. Millions of people around the world lost their jobs. Governments from China to the United Kingdom to the United States all struggled to figure out policies to help their economies recover. Understanding what happens in a recession and what the government can and cannot do to help in a recovery is an essential part of being an informed citizen.
The Scope of Economics there are two major divisions of economics: microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics : The branch of economics that examines the functioning of individual industries and the behavior of individual decision-making units—that is, firms and households. Macroeconomics : The branch of economics that examines the economic behavior of aggregates—income, employment, output, and so on—on a national scale.
Microeconomics Firms’ choices about what to produce and how much to charge. households’ choices about what and how much to buy help to explain why the economy produces the goods and services it does
Applied microeconomics Applied microeconomics includes a range of specialized areas of study : Applied Industrial organization Financial economics Labor economics Public economics Political economy Health economics
Applied microeconomics Industrial organization : Industrial organization examines topics such as the entry and exit of firms, innovation, and the role of trademarks. Financial economicsFinancial economics : examines topics such as the rate of return to capital, the allocation and deployment of economic resources.
Applied microeconomics Labor economics : examines wages, employment, and labor market dynamics. Labor economics Public economics : examines the design of government tax and expenditure policies and economic effects of these policies Public economicstax
Applied microeconomics Political economy : was the original term used for studying production and trade, and their relations with law, custom, and government, as well as with the distribution of national income and wealth. Political economy Health economics : examines the organization of health care systems, including the role of the health care workforce and health insurance programs. Health economics