Breast Cancer HCS 457
Introduction Diagnosis Hormones Genes: BRCA1 and BRCA2
Breast Cancer
Symptoms of Breast Cancer Women Lump or mass in breast or axilla Alteration in breast Fluid or pus coming out of nipple Breast skin: Orange peel- lik Men Bone Pain Breast Pain or discomfort Skin ulcers Swelling of arm on affected side Weight Loss
Risks & Causes of Breast Cancer Age: over 55 years old Genetic risk factors: BRCA 1 and BRCA2 Family History of cancer Dense breast tissue Lobular carcinoma in situ Exposed to radiation on breast
Demographic Data Age Family History Genetics Life-Style Race Age Delivered a Child
Community Support Community awareness Community Gift Closets: provides items needed and treatments Road to Recovery: assistance throughout the treatment Look Good Feel Better: volunteer beauty professionals Relay for Life Events: fundraiser
Breast Cancer: Expenses and Effects a Family, Community, State, and National Issue 7 billion annually in national expenditures for treatment 2 billion spent annually in late stage treatment Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Act of 2000 States can obtain better funding match from the federal government States can extend a presumptive eligibility
Alternative Interventions IMRT Acupuncture Chiropractic Care Image Enhancement Mind-Body Medicine Naturopathic Medicine Oncology Rehabilitation Pain Management Spiritual Support Survivorship Support The recent trend has been turning to alternative interventions in the hope of curing breast cancer. For scientific and wholistic care modalities, a multi- disciplinary and supportive care team is ideal
Solutions to fighting breast cancer Regular exercise Melatonin Race: Americans more prone than Asians Medications: Tamoxifen and Raloxifene
PERI Model
Summary Surgery Radiation Therapy Chemotherapy Hormone Therapy
References American Cancer Society. (2010). What causes breast cancer? Retrieved from Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and Treatment Act of 2000, H.R. Res , 106th Cong., 36 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 114 (2000) (enacted). Cancer Treatment Centers of America. (28 February 2011). How We Support you , from medicine.cfm?source=googlewe&channel=paid%20search&c=paid%20search:google:Google%20 %20Western%20Core%20Terms:General:%20Cancer%20Treatments|Holistic:holistic%20cancer%20treatment: Broad&ef_id=uB9Nk5MepngAAIOP: :s Cooper, L. (2010). Why We Relay. Pensacola News Journal , from Mattarella, A. (2010). Breast cancer in men. Radiologic Technology, 81(4), 361M , from EBSCOhost. Mariotto, A. B., Yabrof, K. F., Shao, Y., Feuer, E. J., & Brown, M. L. (2011, 1 January). Projections of the Cost of Cancer Care in the Unite States: 2010–2020. Journal of National Cancer Institute, 103(2), doi: /jnci/djq495 N.A. (2011, April 1) , from WebMDBetterInformation.BetterHealth National Center for Biotechnology Information. (2010). Breast Cancer. Pub Med Health , from Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers. (n.d.). Cancer Specific Information , from =4&gclid=CMSxqL2Q96cCFYrs7QodnTEVCw Underwood and Cowley, A. and G. (1999, March 7th). Symptoms and solutions, defeating breast cancer , from Mills, D. (2010, June 8th). Natural solutions for breast cancer prevention , from Yi, K. (2009, October 16). Breast cancer awareness month: Stay informed-10 ways to protect yourself from breast cancer from estimates