Equal Opportunity Contact Officer: EOCO’s Name School
What does the ideal workplace look like?
Why EO matters >People want to come to work or study >Mental and physical health benefits >Better sense of quality and equality >Translates to better outcomes in work and study >Improved communication and relationships >Enhances an atmosphere of trust and support >People feel valued >Increased retention (both staff and students)
Equal Opportunity Basic human right Ensures we all receive fair and equitable treatment when accessing, and participating in every area of public life (employment, education, accommodation, provision of goods & services)
Racial Discrimination Act 1975 Sex Discrimination Act 1984 Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 Disability Discrimination Act 1992 Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act (EOWW) 1999 Age Discrimination Act 2004 Fair Work Act 2009 Equal Opportunity Act 1984 Racial Vilification Act 1996 State Legislation Commonwealth Legislation Flinders’ Equal Opportunity Policy EO at Flinders
Grounds for discrimination sex / gender sexual orientation pregnancy breastfeeding marital or domestic partnership status caring responsibilities social origin identity of spouse or domestic partner disability race or ethnic origin age political opinion religious conviction religious appearance or dress
Harassment Any form of behaviour that takes place in circumstances in which a reasonable person, having regard to all circumstances, should have anticipated that the person, or group of people would be offended, humiliated or intimidated, and Is related to one or more of the status, beliefs or characteristics (grounds) Equal Opportunity Policy 1991
Sexual Harassment Any unwanted, unwelcome or uninvited behaviour of a sexual nature. Defined by law from the perspective of the person feeling harassed and it occurs if the behaviour makes a person feel offended, humiliated or intimidated and it is reasonable in the circumstances to feel that way e.g. unwelcome touching, hugging, kissing; staring or leering; suggestive comments or jokes; can be via texts, s etc Sexual Harassment Policy 1984
Bullying Persistent or ongoing behaviours directed towards an individual or group that a reasonable person, having regard to the circumstances, would find offensive, intimidating, humiliating or threatening and that potentially or actually affects health and wellbeing. No Bullying at Flinders policy 2007
Who is responsible for EO? Everyone - to respect others Supervisors - to take all reasonable steps to prevent discrimination, harassment & bullying & promote a safe environment –Exercise leadership –Take appropriate action
EO Contact Officer Role >Support – discuss, refer, accompany contacts >Model respectful, inclusive behaviour >Educate their work area >Listen... and provide options for resolution >Confidentiality ensured
Resolution Options >Do nothing else >Self action >Third party assistance >Mediation >Formal complaint >(Outside agencies)
Policies Equal Opportunity Policy: Student Grievance Procedures: Staff Grievance Procedures: No Bullying Policy:
In Conclusion: We all have biases and stereotypical views of the world We must examine our attitudes and ensure we show no bias in our actions or comments We have an obligation to ensure every person feels wanted and comfortable in their work place and work environs