Defining a Career Skills Building Student Cohort & Outcome
Background of the Study Skills builders are a substantial proportion of our student college population. They do not always have traditional outcomes, such as awards or transfer. Goal to develop metric to add to the Student Success Scorecard (but could also provide a more detailed tool in the DataMart).
Scorecard & Course Behavior Scorecard cohorts based solely on past course behavior. Look back to determine inclusion into cohort (example: completion cohort, look back 6 years, determine who had at least 6 units and attempted any Math or English). Those meeting criteria would then be included in cohort. How many completed outcome definition in some time period?
Student Course Taking Pattern Students completes at least.5 units. Some number of these units must be a SAM A, B, or C course (.5 or 3 units) No longer enrolled after 1 year Did subsequently not earn an award or transfer to a four-year institution Did not fail a course during the academic year
Cohort Sizes ( ) Student course taking pattern – N=119,760 have at least.5 units – N=88,068 have at least 3 units 4-5% of total enrollment
Cohort Characteristics Median Age —30 Median units earned (11-12 year) —4 44% female/55% male 13% Asian, 6% African American, 30% Hispanic, 42% White % Vocational courses taken — 69% Course Success Rate— 69%
Wage Gain Outcome Median Wages 1 year before enrollment ( ) compared to wages 1 year after ( ).5 units $29,600 to $37,400 (26.3%) $5,105 median increase in earnings 3 units $20,300 to $27,800 (36.9%) $4,733 median increase in earnings
How to Display Wage Outcomes Show each time point (1 year before & 1 year after medians) Show % change between each time point median Show median change
Highest wages ‘1 year after’ by TOP Code TOP Code1 Year before1 year after Police Academy $90,163 $95,272 Fire Academy 85,790 90,112 Administration of Justice 82,991 88,956 Other Business and Management 79,725 82,725 Fire Technology 71,278 76,928 Corrections 72,870 73,430 Surveying 66,333 70,973 Escrow 48,979 69,493 Industrial Quality Control 75,545 67,900 Educational Technology 64,848 67,232
Highest wages ‘1 year after’ by TOP Code TOP Code% Change MedianMedian Change Police Academy5.7%$8,248 Fire Academy5.08,053 Administration of Justice7.27,180 Other Business and Management3.88,716 Fire Technology7.98,167 Corrections0.84,321 Surveying7.07,793 Escrow41.97,224 Industrial Quality Control ,801 Educational Technology3.74,376
How to Display Wage Outcomes Should totals by college (all TOP codes in a college rolled up) be reported separately for TOPs associated with public safety academies?
Wages by College (non public safety) College1 Year before1 year after% Change Median Median Change Alameda $18,606 $24, %$5,295 Allan Hancock 22,878 29, ,437 American River 26,566 34, ,223 Antelope Valley 17,426 21, ,784 Bakersfield 19,434 25, ,491 Barstow 21,052 26, ,906 Berkeley City 18,094 24, ,820 Butte 13,703 18, ,703 Cabrillo 18,061 25, ,887 Canada 27,315 29, ,373
Wages by College (public safety) College1 Year before1 year after% Change Median Median Change Allan Hancock $81,477 $91, %$7,893 American River 75,127 77, ,416 Antelope Valley 12,454 28, ,739 Bakersfield 79,962 89, ,965 Barstow 26,522 33, ,650 Butte 22,797 41, ,298 Cabrillo 22,004 36, ,139 Canyons 83,021 93, ,748 Cerritos 11,980 18, ,743 Cerro Coso 94,248 96, ,186