Strategic Global IS Management in the Investment Banks Cross-cultural comparison between a Swiss/American Investment Bank and a Japanese Investment Bank in London, Tokyo and Singapore Hideyuki Matsumoto and David Wilson The School of Computer Science and Information Systems, Birkbeck College, University of London 12 th December 2004
Globalisation – Complex phenomenon – Expansion of multinational corporations – Advanced technology. Investment banks – Establishment of cross-border information networks – Multinational style around the 1980’s – Globally networked computer systems Key factors for global IS – Sharing business vision within a top management team – IS function to integrate of business and IS strategy Cultural mechanisms for global IS – Western rooted investment banks – Eastern rooted investment banks Hideyuki Matsumoto and David Wilson, The School of Computer Science and Information Systems, Birkbeck College, University of London, 12 th December 2004, Page 1 Background of the research
Main question What cultural mechanisms impact on strategic global IS management in a Swiss/American investment bank and a Japanese investment bank? Sub questions What are differences and similarities of the following four factors between a Swiss/American investment bank and a Japanese investment bank? – Strategic IS Planning – IS Functions and IT Management Style – IS Human Resource Management – IT Project Sponsor and Champion Hideyuki Matsumoto and David Wilson, The School of Computer Science and Information Systems, Birkbeck College, University of London, 12 th December 2004, Page 2 Research Questions
Cross-Cultural IS Research Choice of research method and data –How to achieve equivalence –How to prevent and detect bias Lack of cross-cultural IS research –theory testing and building –culture as antecedents –improvement of research method Grounded Theory Scientific process with systematic sequence –Open, axial and selective coding –Theoretical sampling –Theory building and theory testing Hideyuki Matsumoto and David Wilson, The School of Computer Science and Information Systems, Birkbeck College, University of London, 12 th December 2004, Page 3 Selected Research Method
Representatives of findings Problem: GT cannot be totally objective. Solution: Presentation the research findings to critical groups Reproducibility of findings Problem: Do same data with same procedure derive same result? Solution: Establishment of clear repeatable procedures Rigor of method Problem: Can not be measured and mathematically proved Solution: Comparison with conflicting frameworks Generalisability of findings Problem: How widely an emerged theory can be applied? Solution: Comparison with similar frameworks Hideyuki Matsumoto and David Wilson, The School of Computer Science and Information Systems, Birkbeck College, University of London, 12 th December 2004, Page 4 Limitation of Research Method
Generation of a grounded theory The research generates a "Grounded Theory" for cultural mechanism of strategic global IS management. Application of a grounded theory The emerged "Grounded Theory" detects similarities and differences of cultural mechanisms. Integration of a grounded theory The research integrates the emerged "Grounded Theory“ to identify invisible customs in different cultural regions. Hideyuki Matsumoto and David Wilson, The School of Computer Science and Information Systems, Birkbeck College, University of London, 12 th December 2004, Page 5 Justification of Research Method
Hideyuki Matsumoto and David Wilson, The School of Computer Science and Information Systems, Birkbeck College, University of London, 12 th December 2004, Page 6 Case Study Organisations SATKYSASPO JPLDN Head Quarter Location Group A Swiss/American Financial Group (SAFG) A Japanese Financial Group (JPFG) Tokyo Singapore London Zurich and New YorkTokyo Entity Data for the research BPR Project (2002) DSSR Project (2003) SIP Project (2004) EMU Project (1998) BPTA Project (2001) Legal Document Project (2001) EMU Project (1998) BPTA Project (2001)
Hideyuki Matsumoto and David Wilson, The School of Computer Science and Information Systems, Birkbeck College, University of London, 12 th December 2004, Page 7 Group SAFGJPFG Central Category Human Resource Management Organisation Structure IS Management Category Flexible employment Performance based system Lifetime employment Seniority based system Matrix and globalSingle dimensional Initial analysis of official company information Matrix and global IS management IT Outsource to Keiretsu company Category Business Model Investment Bank Leading and Full Service Globalised Investment Bank Leading and Full Service Aiming at Globalisation Company Policy Customer Focus Diversity Healthy relations to society Whole society Efficiency Contribution to society
Phase 1: Research Design – Research questions – Selecting cases Phase 2: Data Collection – Development of data collection procedure – Entering the field Phase 3: Data Analysis – Open coding – Axial coding – Selective coding – Saturation Phase 4: Validation – Conflicting frameworks – Similar frameworks Hideyuki Matsumoto and David Wilson, The School of Computer Science and Information Systems, Birkbeck College, University of London, 12 th December 2004, Page 8 Progress of Research SASPOSATKYJPLDN TotalSAFGJPFG SingaporeTokyoLondon hours5 hours 40 minutes 3 hours 35 minutes 12 hours 15 minutes Entity Code Group Code Entity Location No. of Interviewees No. of Interviews Total length of Interviews Statistics of Interview in September 2004