Animal Behavior Research Methods David Shepherdson Oregon Zoo
Examples of Zoo Research Behavioral estrous determination - pandas, tigers, rhinoBehavioral estrous determination - pandas, tigers, rhino Effect of hand rearing on development of chimpanzeesEffect of hand rearing on development of chimpanzees Evaluation of floor substrates for elephantsEvaluation of floor substrates for elephants Evaluation of enrichment techniquesEvaluation of enrichment techniques Olfactory communication in elephantsOlfactory communication in elephants Juvenile pygmy rabbit aggressionJuvenile pygmy rabbit aggression Stereotypic Behavior & Stress in Polar BearsStereotypic Behavior & Stress in Polar Bears
Steps Involved in Conducting a Behavioral Research Study
Types of Study ObservationalObservational variables not manipulated, behavior correlated with environmental variables, "natural experiments" ExperimentalExperimental variables are systematically varied by experimenter experimenter
Steps Involved in Conducting a Behavioral Research Study
Reconnaissance Observations what do the animals do time of day best suited recording techniques
Steps Involved in Conducting a Behavioral Research Study
Ethogram Construction A list of defined behaviors that can be quantified and easily recognized by different observers (observer reliability/repeatability)A list of defined behaviors that can be quantified and easily recognized by different observers (observer reliability/repeatability) Objective definitions describe behavior, e.g.., "Locomotion"Objective definitions describe behavior, e.g.., "Locomotion" Functional definitions define behavior in terms of its function, e.g.., “searching, playing"Functional definitions define behavior in terms of its function, e.g.., “searching, playing" Mutually exclusive (often) Comprehensive (often)
Elephant Ethogram Interaction Physical contact between two elephants WalkQuadrupedal locomotion more than 3 feet in previous 5 seconds RunFast walk Stand stillStanding stationary on all four legs, less than 3 feet of movement in prev. 5 secs. EatConsuming food item, includes conveying food item from to mouth DrinkConsuming water Explore touch trunk to inanimate object SocialAny physical contact between elephants Other describe Out of sight
Steps Involved in Conducting a Behavioral Research Study
Measures of Behavior Latency, Frequency, Duration, IntensityLatency, Frequency, Duration, Intensity Events & States Events & States BoutsBouts SequenceSequence
Choosing A Sampling Method Two Major Decisions to Make: Which subject to watch & whenWhich subject to watch & when Ad Libitum FocalScan Behavior Sampling How to record the behaviorHow to record the behaviorContinuous Time sampling Instantaneous Point Sampling One-Zero
Steps Involved in Conducting a Behavioral Research Study
Recording Medium Film/VideoFilm/Video Tape recorderTape recorder Check SheetsCheck Sheets Computer (PC, lap-top, palm)Computer (PC, lap-top, palm)
Check Sheet Design SimpleSimple Include catch all categories such as:Include catch all categories such as: Out of sight Other Date, Observer, Weather, NotesDate, Observer, Weather, Notes Summation columnsSummation columns
Data Collection How much to collect?How much to collect?VariabilityGeneralisability Duration of observations Duration of observations Observer fatigue/reliability Inter-Observer reliability Inter-Observer reliability
Sources of Unreliability Inter Observer Reliability - different observers recording different thingsInter Observer Reliability - different observers recording different things Intra-Observer Reliability - same observer records behaviors differently over time, "observer drift"Intra-Observer Reliability - same observer records behaviors differently over time, "observer drift" Record What You SeeRecord What You See Observer fatigueObserver fatigue
Reliability can be increased by Good, simple, Ethogram Good, simple, Ethogram Observer Training Observer Training Observer Testing Observer Testing Fewer observers Fewer observers
Steps Involved in Conducting a Behavioral Research Study
David Shepherdson Ph.D
Research methods video