New Deal Programs
Farms System Agricultural Adjustment Administration- (AAA) 1933; sought to raise prices of crops and materials through “artificial scarcity,” or put constraints upon total output for all crops. Later was changed to subsidizing program for growing certain crops. Resettlement Administration- (RA) 1933; Resettled poor tenant farmers, later renamed Farm Security Administration in Rural Electrification Administration- (REA) 1933; Sought to bring electricity and other creature comforts to poor rural areas.
Think/Pair/Share Turn to the person sitting behind you and talk about how you think these programs/groups will help the farmers. Can you think of any groups or programs today that help farmers?
Business Programs National Industrial Recovery Act- (NIRA) ; Set up codes and regulations regarding unfair business practices, raised both wages and prices of goods, and set up a variety of groups including: National Recovery Planning Board- (NRPB) Established to help create public job assistance and monetary oversight of NRA. Led by Fredric Delano (Roosevelt’s uncle). National Recovery Administration- (NRA) 1933; NRA had oversight of all business and economic standards and regulations. Enforced the raising of minimum wage to 45 cents per hour and a maximum work week of 35 to 45 hours. Also abolished child labor.
Write down what this sign reminds you of and then discuss with your partner what you wrote down and why.
Labor Programs Public Works Administration- (PWA) 1933; Built large public works projects through private contractors. Did not directly hire workers. Civilian Conservation Corps- (CCC) ; Employed young men to perform unskilled labor in rural areas. Supervised by U.S. Army. Tennessee Valley Authority- (TVA) 1933; Modernized very poor rural areas through dams on Tennessee River which created energy for the area. Civil Works Administration- (CWA) ; Created and provided millions of jobs for the unemployed. Works Progress Administration- (WPA) 1935;Hired 2 million unemployed in areas of construction, sewing, and arts projects (plays, concerts, etc)
Insurance and Support Programs Securities Act- Created the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) in 1933 which created regulations and oversight for stock and securities trades, sales, and required updates of stock reliability and investments from companies and brokers. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation- (FDIC) 1933; Created an insurance policy for all banks which insured all deposits up to certain dollar amounts. Social Security Act- (SSA)1935; Provided financial assistance to the elderly and handicapped of America. It was paid for by employee and employer payroll contributions; and required 7 years of contributions before could be paid out. Federal Crop Insurance Corporation- (FCIC) 1938; Insured farmers from loss of profit due to drought, fire, or disease.
FDR’s programs changed millions of lives… Which of Obama’s programs do you think is going to make the most impact? Raise your hand when you come up with your answer.
Housing Home Owners’ Loan Corporation- (HOLC) 1935; Facilitated nation-wide lending and encouraged uniform national appraisal methods Federal Housing Administration- (FHA) 1935; Created national standards for home construction, introduced longer term mortgages (30 years), and standardized the appraisal process.
Homework Read Chapter 14 Section 1 and complete the chart using question 1 on pg Also, study social programs and related acronyms for Thursdays class because we are having a challenge on Thursday.